Growing Burkina: The Seeds of Hope

Agriculture remains the backbone of landlocked Burkina Faso employing almost 80% of the working population while contributing just under 30% to GDP centered around cotton, fruits, livestock and grains output though average land holdings under 3 hectares pose productivity challenges exacerbated by rainfall uncertainties. However, staples self-sufficiency and rural income maximization goals warrant efforts into irrigation infrastructure expanding, agrichemicals usage rationalizing and post-harvest storages gaps plugging while promoting community greenhouse farming adoption. Moreover, hospitality sectors linkage development and selective organic certification for export differentiation hold strong promise aided by preferential western access.

As experts assisting African agri-exporters earlier on market connectivity and quality enhancement, the agriculture consulting wing at RFC offers tailored advisory encompassing climate-resilient input usage, cooperatives incubation frameworks and supply chain digitization solutions promised to nourish national food security and unlock rural prosperity in Burkina Faso through interventions designed to directly uplift harvests and farmer welfare over the long term sustainably.

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