Country Highlights

Agriculture Blossom: Chile’s Global Harvest Hub

Agriculture and related sectors accounted for 26.9% of Chile’s total exports in 2022 – with key exports such as wine, fresh fruit, dairy, salmon, pork, poultry and forestry products. The country has a developed food processing industry, with a focus on sustainability, traceability and compliance with international standards. The diverse results seen in this country’s agriculture output makes the country not entirely self-sufficient in food security and relies on imports for certain commodities such as- maize and wheat. The agriculture sector benefits from favorable climatic conditions and abundant water resources which is supporting its significant contribution to the country’s economy.

Chile utilizes inherent climatic variation blessings across fertile lands strategically producing everything from apples, cherries and berries feeding counters globally to vineyards quenching sophisticated wine tastes utilizing preferential access treaties integrating Latin produce penetration responsibly. Agriculture by natural region has been led by Norte Grande as this region covers most of Atacama Desert and its crop agriculture is contracted around small oases, such as: Pica (known for its Limón de Pica) and Pozo Almonte. The heartland of Chile’s agriculture sector is Zona Central. Zona Central, with its mediterranean environment, is home to the majority of the country’s wine areas.

Chile’s agriculture is diverse with notable products including: grapes, apples, onions, wheat, corn, oats, peaches, garlic, asparagus, beans, beef, poultry, wool and fish. The sector represents 4.9% of the country’s GDP and employs 13.6% of the population. Moreover based on almost $20 billion exports scale presently, an integrated push now prioritizes tropical fruits potential tapping proximity advantage, international competitiveness drive through cold chain logistics advancement easing supply side bottlenecks and even small farmer collectives formalization boosting community based cultivation models proliferation meeting localized nutritional security upliftment.

Chile’s agriculture sector is diverse and dynamic, producing a wide range of high-quality products for global markets. With an emphasis on tropical fruits- the country can make use of its proximity to major markets and preferential access treaties.

RFC’s agriculture consulting offers tailored advisory and crop optimization analysis to guide stakeholders in effectively balancing world-class harvests with ecological stability. This ensures sustainability and long-term success for the sector.

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