How to Develop a Business Growth Strategy

How to Develop a Business Growth Strategy

Table of Contents

Market development, market development growth strategy, market penetration, existing market.

A business growth strategy is a plan developed by an organization to achieve its objectives and expand its operations. A successful growth strategy requires a thorough assessment of the current state of the business, identification of opportunities for growth, setting realistic and measurable goals and implementation of the right strategies. This article outlines the steps to developing a successful business growth strategy.

Importance of Developing a Successful Business Growth Strategy

Market penetration growth strategy, market share, revenue growth, product development growth strategy

Developing a successful business growth strategy is essential for the survival and growth of any organization. Through a successful business growth strategy businesses can:

  • Increase market share and revenue.

  • Expand into new markets and geographical locations.

  • Build brand equity and customer loyalty.

  • Develop new products or services to meet changing customer needs.

  • Diversify their offerings and minimize risks.

  • Create opportunities for innovation and differentiation.

Assessing the current state of your business

business growth strategies, acquisition strategy, rapid growth

Identifying SWOT

Before developing a growth strategy, it’s essential to assess the current state of your business which can be achieved by conducting a SWOT analysis i.e., strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A SWOT analysis provides an overview of the business’s internal and external environment. It helps you assess internal factors that might affect your business (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats).

Market share, business growth strategies, market strategy, different growth strategies

Conducting Market Research

Market research is a critical aspect of developing a growth strategy which involves gathering information about the industry, target market and customers’ needs and preferences. This information can be used to identify market trends, customer behavior and preferences which can be leveraged to develop products or services that meet their needs.

small business growth, successful companies, same market, target audience

Analyzing Competitors

Competitor analysis includes gathering information about your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which can be used to identify competitive advantages and gaps in the market that can be exploited to gain a competitive edge. Analyzing the strategies of one’s competitors can be used offensively and defensively to better spot opportunities and threats.

Setting realistic and measurable goals

business grow, marketing efforts, business model, new target market

After assessing the current state of your business and conducting market research one must set realistic and measurable goals for the organization. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based (SMART) which should be aligned with the organization’s mission and vision. Defining these parameters as they pertain to your goal helps in ensuring that your objectives are achievable within a certain time frame.

Defining Objectives for Business Growth

Defining objectives for business growth involves identifying specific outcomes that the organization seeks to achieve. These objectives must be well-defined, clear and aligned with the overall business strategy. When you develop a list of business objectives you must focus on the specifics which means analyzing, assessing and understanding where you are now and where you want to be in the future. The objectives must be challenging but also achievable for the team.

Creating Key Performance Indicators

potential customers, diversification strategy, repeat business, social media platforms.

Once the objectives have been defined the next step is to create key performance indicators. KPIs are a set of quantifiable metrics used to track progress toward achieving objectives. They help businesses understand how well they are performing and whether they are on track to meet their goals. KPIs can be financial or non-financial and should be specific, measurable and relevant to the objective.

Establishing a Timeline for Achieving Goals

Establishing a timeline for achieving the goals is essential which helps to keep everyone accountable and ensure that progress is being made toward achieving the objectives. It is important to set deadlines for each objective and to break down the objectives into smaller and achievable tasks that help in ensuring that the objectives are being met on time.

To sum it up it is essential for each organization to establish objectives that are both attainable and quantifiable. To succeed in a company, it is crucial to define growth objectives, develop KPIs and set a deadline for accomplishing targets. Setting and monitoring specific goals allows firms to pinpoint where they need to make changes to finally succeed.

Identifying growth strategies

small company, music industry, product or service

Identifying growth strategies is crucial for businesses looking to expand their operations, increase market share and improve profitability. There are several growth strategies available and businesses need to choose the one that suits their goals, capabilities and resources.

Here are some of the key business growth strategies and how they can be implemented:

Market Penetration strategy

Market penetration involves increasing existing product or service sales in the current market. Companies can achieve market penetration by adopting various tactics such as lowering prices, improving product quality, increasing advertising and promotions and enhancing customer service.

Market Development

Market Development strategy involves introducing existing products or services into new markets. Companies can achieve market development by targeting new geographical locations, customer segments or distribution channels.

Product Development growth strategy

This growth strategy involves creating new products or services to cater to existing markets. By investing in research and development, acquiring new technologies or leveraging existing capabilities companies can develop their product.

product expansion, retain existing, extensive research

Diversification growth strategy

Diversification involves expanding into new products and new markets simultaneously. Companies can diversify by acquiring other businesses, launching new product lines or entering new markets through strategic partnerships.

Each growth strategy has advantages and disadvantages and businesses must carefully evaluate their options before deciding on the best approach. By identifying and implementing an appropriate growth strategy companies can position themselves for sustained growth and success in the long run.

Organic Growth

This strategy focuses on growing the business using internal resources such as increasing efficiency or productivity, expanding existing products or services and improving customer retention. Organic growth aims to achieve sustainable growth over time without relying on external resources or acquisitions.

target demographic, product development, small business

Marketing Strategy

An effective marketing strategy is essential for achieving business growth i.e. identifying target demographics, developing campaigns that resonate with them and identifying the most effective channels for reaching them. Key metrics to track include customer acquisition costs, customer retention rates and annual sales growth.

Customer Retention

Retaining existing customers is critical for achieving business growth which involves identifying and addressing the needs of existing customers, developing loyalty programs and improving customer service. Key metrics such as customer retention rates, customer lifetime value and customer satisfaction should be tracked.

Market Segmentation

Segmenting the market based on customer needs and preferences can help businesses target their messaging and offerings more effectively. By dividing the sample size into smaller groups on the basis of gender, age, buyer personas and other segments companies can market their products effeciently.

Implementing the growth strategies

increase sales, increased revenue, online store

Implementing growth strategies is essential for businesses to expand and achieve long-term success. To effectively implement growth strategies companies need to follow a well-structured approach that includes identifying and allocating resources, creating a plan of action and establishing a monitoring and evaluation system.

Identifying and Allocating Resources

The first step in implementing growth strategies is identifying the necessary resources required for the growth plan. This includes identifying the financial, human and material resources required to execute the plan effectively. Once the resources are identified companies need to allocate them effectively to ensure that they are being utilized optimally.

Creating a Plan of Action

Once the necessary resources are identified and allocated the next step is to create a plan of action. The growth plan should outline specific goals, objectives and timelines that are realistic and achievable. The plan should also identify potential risks and challenges and outline strategies to overcome them. It is important to involve all stakeholders in the planning process to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Establishing a Monitoring and Evaluation System

To ensure that the growth plan is being executed effectively companies need to establish a monitoring and evaluation system that involves setting up key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress and identify areas that require improvement. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the growth plan will help companies stay on track and make necessary adjustments to the plan if required.

Measuring and Evaluating the Success of the Growth Strategy

large market, new business, existing ones

Measuring and evaluating the success of the growth strategy is essential to determine whether the business is achieving its objectives. The first step in measuring and evaluating the success of the growth strategy is to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the business’s objectives.

The next step is to regularly monitor and evaluate the KPIs. Monitoring should be done at regular intervals, such as monthly, quarterly or annually. The evaluation process should involve a comparison of the actual results with the set targets. The evaluation process should identify any areas where the business is falling short of the set targets and provide recommendations on how to improve.

Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Growth Strategies

Analyzing the effectiveness of the growth strategies involves examining the outcomes of the strategies to determine whether they are achieving the desired results. The analysis should involve examining the various aspects of the growth strategies i.e., marketing, sales, operations and customer service. The analysis should identify the areas where the strategies are most effective and those where improvements are needed.

Adjusting the Growth Strategy

Based on the results of the analysis adjustments should be made to the growth strategy. The adjustments should be based on the areas where the growth strategies are most effective and those where improvements are needed. It may include changes in marketing strategies, sales approaches, customer service or operational procedures.

Celebrating Success

Celebrating success is an important component of a successful business growth strategy. Recognizing the achievements of the business and the people who contributed to those achievements helps in motivating employees, creating a positive culture and attracting new customers.

Examples of Successful Business Growth Strategies

customer base, social media, product line, growth strategies work


A good example of a brand that succeeded using market penetration is Facebook. When they started out they were accessible only to Harvard University students. After that, they expanded their accessibility to Stanford, Yale and Columbia. Eventually, they were available to all Ivy League and several schools and then all colleges in the U.S. and Canada. Later they spread to audiences beyond college-going students.


The e-communication platform gained attention by replacing the traditional email system with a more convenient platform for the working community.

Dollar Shave Club

Venture into new markets is another successful business growth strategy employed by many brands that became successful. In 2012, Dollar Shave Club a male razor manufacturer entered the retail marketing model dominated by a direct-to-consumer strategy offering a cheaper alternative to the market leader. The new expansion plan for Dollar Shave Club cut out the middlemen and gave savings to the customers. This dissolved Gillette’s market to about 53% in 2019. Five years later, Unilever acquired Dollar Shave Club for $1 billion.


Google aced it by successfully integrating AdWords into its B2C product flow. It was able to keep its search engine speed by including text advertisements that were both lightweight and visually indistinguishable from organic search results.

product line, growth strategies work, other growth strategies


One brand that found success is Walmart which figured out its pricing is more competitive than that of the whole foods market. Adhering to this value proposition and using it to attract a lot of customers. No wonder Walmart’s current revenue is 611 billion USD. 


One of the brands that have nailed it is Buzzfeed, an American news and entertainment firm. They’ve gained more than 3 billion monthly content views and a global audience of more than 520 million. They focus on content sharing rather than SEO when writing.


The success of any marketing campaign is on the ability to cement the brand in the minds of consumers and one way to do this is through maintaining brand consistency. Marketing materials like websites, packaging, catalogs, brochures, letter pads, social media, print ads, TV commercials, etc. should be consistent. Use the same fonts, colors, tone, graphics, logo and images in all of those. Coca-Cola managed to maintain its brand consistency.

current market, new customers, existing and potential customers


Amazon’s success is credited to its customer-centric approach and its focus on innovation. Amazon’s growth strategy involves expanding its product offerings, investing in new technology and expanding into new markets. Amazon’s monitoring and evaluation system involve measuring customer satisfaction, sales growth and profitability.


Tesla’s success is attributed to its innovative approach and its commitment to sustainability. Tesla began its journey with high-end electric sports cars then Tesla moved into the luxury electric sedan market and continued its expansion towards broader markets.


Airbnb’s success is due to its innovative approach and its ability to disrupt the hospitality industry. Airbnb makes money by charging both hosts and guests for using the platform, customer support and payment processing.

customer base, growth goals, increased revenue, organic growth


Measuring and evaluating the success of the growth strategy, analyzing the effectiveness of the growth strategy, adjusting the growth strategy and celebrating success are critical components of a successful business growth strategy. The above examples demonstrate how effective business growth strategies have contributed to their success.

We at Ruskin Felix Consulting, provide management consultancy services that also include developing successful business growth strategies for our client companies. Please feel free to contact us at

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