143 - Mexico

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RFC Mexico

RFC assists Mexican manufacturing, oil, tourism and mining companies improve productivity, operations and strategic expansion in global markets.

Mexico’s economy is diverse, with significant contributions from manufacturing, particularly automotive, and oil. RFC’s consulting services in Mexico focus on these sectors, aiding businesses to innovate and expand in these key markets.

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We engage with ambitious leaders who seek to shape the future rather than run from it. Together, we accomplish remarkable things.

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Financial Service

Our accounting services keep your numbers accurate and paperwork in order while following all rules. Our aim is to strategically provide a road map for businesses to allocate funds for efficient, sustainable operations through future-focused planning.

By understanding expenses, profits, and value, we help envision plans that lead businesses to success. Financial modeling builds models to analyze data, forecast outcomes and uncover key drivers of performance.

Managerial accounting focuses on providing financial and non-financial information to managers within organizations to help them plan, direct, and control operations. The information helps managers make decisions related to budgets, costs, pricing, and other areas.

Strategic Consulting

We help define your brand identity and positioning. Through research, we determine how to best communicate your values to attract ideal customers and build loyalty. Our team of experts prepare strategies cover messaging, visuals, customer experience and more.

Leveraging analytics and technology, we optimize your online presence and digital marketing. From websites and apps to social media and paid ads, we ensure your digital assets effectively engage customers and help organizations to achieve their business goals.

RFC helps and provides guidance for development and rollout of new offerings. Whether products, services or markets, we create comprehensive launch plans covering pricing, distribution, promotion, operations and support to set you up for success.

A customized approach to accelerating your growth. Through market research and competitive analysis, we craft strategies and roadmaps to enter new segments, increase revenue and market share through organic initiatives or strategic partnerships and acquisitions.

Fueling innovation is key to long term success. We facilitate ideation workshops and provide a process to take ideas from concept to commercialization. Guidance spans innovation culture, product development, intellectual property and bringing innovations to customers.

Strong leadership is imperative for any organization. We assess your current leadership and provide customized coaching, training and development programs to strengthen skills like communication, change management, decision-making and building high-performing teams.

Pricing impacts both top and bottom lines. We analyze your costs, competitors and market to set the right prices, discounts and contracts. Ongoing optimization ensures you maximize profits while meeting customer needs and capturing market share.

Blockchain Consulting

Develop and implement decentralized applications on blockchain platforms like Ethereum through smart contract programming, network architecture design, and testing/auditing for security and performance.

RFC helps organizations’ understand the requirement of smart contracts audits and blockchain protocols for vulnerabilities. We monitor networks for any exploits, and advise on key management. Access controls and regulatory compliance to protect digital assets and user data on blockchain systems.

Design, build and integrate open financial applications on blockchain using protocols like Ethereum to enable decentralized lending, exchanges, asset management and payments without centralized intermediaries.

Create immersive multiplayer games and virtual worlds using blockchain technology for digital ownership and economies, NFT integration, and community governance models in areas like metaverse, VR and AR applications.

Advise companies on strategies to establish a virtual presence in evolving metaverse platforms through land and asset acquisition, community building, content creation and monetization strategies leveraging blockchain, NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

Mint, list, market and manage the lifecycle of digital collectibles and creative works as NFTs on marketplaces while ensuring compliance, authenticity and building engaged communities around exclusive virtual goods and membership programs.

Design and launch utility tokens and cryptocurrencies by defining technical standards, distribution models, token economics and governance to power decentralized applications, communities and virtual economies.

Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI technologies enable machines to create creative works with minimal human involvement. However, responsible development and oversight are crucial.

Data and analytics are crucial for data-led innovation, driving evidence-based decision making and continuous improvement. Advanced techniques like machine learning can identify trends, optimize processes, and uncover innovative opportunities.

Organizations are leveraging AI to address operational challenges and unlock new opportunities. Customization is crucial, and our team works with clients to understand their objectives and domain expertise, assessing data sources, and developing bespoke AI models.

Our team collaborates with clients to ensure responsible AI deployment, incorporating fairness, safety, and transparency principles. We address biases, ensure reliable performance, and make algorithms more comprehensible for end-users, thereby promoting trust and understanding in complex AI systems.

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that uses algorithms to improve systems’ capabilities and make predictions. It’s used in healthcare, self-driving cars, and social media for tasks like image recognition and predictive analytics.

AI Driven Blockchain combines blockchain’s transparency and security features with AI’s analytical abilities, enabling enterprises to optimize processes, strengthen trust, and capture new opportunities. This integration transforms industries by facilitating trusted automation and creating digital ecosystems for commerce and manufacturing.

Business Planning

RFC helps to establish a crystal clear vision for your business’s brand positioning which lays the foundation for all future marketing efforts. With a strong brand foundation and targeted marketing strategy in place, the organization will be well-positioned to attract new customers and grow your business.

Managing your business finances appropriately is crucial. You need to create realistic budgets, track expenses, and understand key financial statements. With RFC, our team ensures to equip you with the right financial processes, which will help the organization make better business decisions.

Any business needs a directional strategy to identify opportunities to expand. This incorporates developing new products, and services and pierce new markets. RFC helps organizations with formulating proper timelines and roadmaps that help organizations determine how to best penetrate those opportunities.

Valuing your business accurately is important for planning exit/sale strategies or obtaining funding. RFC will help manage and project future financial statements like income statements, balance sheets, cash flows. Consider revenue growth rates, operating costs, required investments and industry/economic factors.

Ruskin Felix Consulting assesses the organizations’ current technology, processes, and customer experience and suggests where they could be more efficient/effective using digital tools. We help create a roadmap with goals in areas like e-commerce, marketing automation, cloud infrastructure, or data analytics.

Running a lean operation is key for efficiency and profitability. Our team identifies any unnecessary processes, paperwork, or tasks that don’t create value. We help streamline workflows, delegate decision-making, and automate manual work.

RFC understands the value of optimized business operations. We help to develop clear job descriptions and evaluate performance regularly. We provide training, coaching, and growth opportunities. Succession plan for key roles. A happy, motivated team is productive and stays longer term. Proactive people management ensures you have the right talent to achieve your goals.

Management Consulting

RFC can guide your organization through periods of change. Our experts help develop strategies, lead workshops and train teams. By managing change effectively, RFC can help you adapt to challenges and improve performance through initiatives.

RFC can assess workflows, audit processes and recommend customized solutions. Our consultants work with various organizations to implement upgrades on time and on budget. By optimizing manufacturing, RFC can increase productivity, lower costs and boost the bottom line.

RFC takes a holistic approach to evaluate functions from multiple angles. Our team will pinpoint inefficiencies to help operations run more smoothly at lower costs. Our data-driven approach can maximize efficiency for long-term benefits.

Let RFC identify bottlenecks and unnecessary tasks to recommend improvements. We will partner to redesign workflows for maximum efficiency. RFC can also implement tools to sustain excellence and enhance quality and productivity.

From research to launch, RFC guides product development. We provide expert guidance for primary research and help craft winning strategies. RFC ensures compliance and competitive pricing to de-risk offerings for success.

RFC’s consultants develop tailored plans to protect financial security. We will diversify portfolios, implement tax strategies, and offer estate planning advice. Our ongoing management and guidance empower clients to make sound decisions regarding their wealth.

Market Research & Intelligence

RFC partners with clients to design innovative, customer-centric business models. Through ideation workshops and strategy sessions, we help align business design with organizational goals.

RFC monitors competitors’ moves through primary and secondary research. We analyze their products, pricing, marketing strategies and more. Armed with competitor intelligence, RFC advises clients on differentiated positioning.

Wondering about market potential and revenue opportunities? RFC provides granular data-backed views of addressable markets. We research industry trends, assess total market size, and forecast growth.

Through proprietary databases and research, we track industry-shifting events, regulatory changes, and emerging trends. Our customized reports and briefings keep clients continually informed to capitalize on new opportunities. RFC’s insights fuel smart, timely decisions.

We conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups to understand customer needs, pain points, and buying behaviors. RFC also facilitates user testing and feedback sessions. With a direct line to your buyers, our findings guide product innovation.

Let RFC precisely define your target. We analyze demographics, firmographics, behaviors and more to profile your ideal customers. RFC then assesses target market size and potential for growth.

Marketing & Branding

RFC’s content specialists craft compelling narratives across all channels. From blog posts and videos to infographics, our customized content educates and engages your audience. Content is optimized for search and shared via social – growing your brand through strategic content.

Our team handles full-funnel digital marketing so you can focus on your core business. We develop data-driven strategies, run targeted campaigns and track KPIs to optimize efforts. RFC’s integrated digital solutions boost leads and sales.

RFC automates repetitive tasks through our marketing automation platform. We help organizations set up lead scoring, capitalize on personalized journeys and understand behavioral triggers. Automation frees up time and improves engagement with qualified prospects.

RFC’s reputation experts analyze reviews and get back on track through engagement, content and SEO. We enhance positive sentiment and resolve issues proactively. A clean reputation builds trust and confidence in your brand.

RFC conducts technical audits and content gap analysis to craft customized SEO strategies. We will optimize pages, manage links and citations, and secure backlinks to send your rankings soaring.

RFC helps organizations to increase their reach via social posting and community management. We create and publish engaging content tailored for each channel. Social listening informs our strategies to boost followers and drive qualified traffic to your site and calls. RFC maximizes social’s impact on your bottom line.

Email is still one of the most effective digital marketing channels for building loyalty and driving sales. Our email marketing strategy keeps your brand top-of-mind with existing customers and welcome series nurture new subscribers into advocates.

RFC meticulously prepares professionally produced videos which brings your messaging to life in a visually engaging format ideal for websites and social platforms. Our production services handle all aspects from concept and scripting to filming, editing and distribution.

Our full-service podcast production handles all stages from audio recording/editing to publishing and promotion across major directories. Insights optimize performance.

Strategic approaches elevate your professional reputation and amplify your authentic voice to targeted networks. Multi-channel content and precision targeting strengthen top-of-mind awareness.

Precision-targeted PPC ads put your products/services in front of qualified prospects. our team calculates and analyzes analytics which provide measurable results to understand ROI.

Risk Advisory Services

Data breaches can devastate businesses. RFC’s cyber security experts bolster protection through penetration testing, security audits, staff training and 24/7 monitoring. We identify vulnerabilities to safeguard digital assets and prevent costly incidents.

RFC helps manage risks associated with financial decisions. We assess exposures, model scenarios and implement strategies like hedging to mitigate market, credit and operational risks. RFC’s insights and tools give confidence in challenging conditions.

As businesses expand globally, risks become more complex. RFC ensures compliance with regulations worldwide. We help navigate political, economic and cultural risks across borders. RFC also provides crisis response support wherever your operations are based.

Rely on RFC to strengthen governance, assess compliance programs and handle internal audits. We identify gaps, benchmark practices and make process improvements to manage regulatory and legal risks. RFC’s services protect your organization’s integrity.

RFC works with leadership to identify risks that could derail strategic plans. We determine risk appetite and advise on mitigation tactics – from insurance to contingency options. RFC creates strategic foresight for resilient growth.

RFC secures your organization’s technology infrastructure and assets. We test for vulnerabilities, implement controls and manage third parties. RFC also provides guidance on emerging tech risks like cloud, IoT and future disruptions.

RFC helps manage risks from external partners through audits, scoring, and monitoring. We ensure vendors’ cyber security, data protection, business continuity and more meet your standards. RFC’s oversight strengthens your entire ecosystem and safeguards the organization from operational risk.

Technology Development

Our team at RFC helps to design an engaging, high-converting website. Our team creates custom layouts and interfaces optimized for your brand and goals. RFC implements responsive design for all devices and tests page speed and usability. Our designs improve your online presence and drive results.

Does your business need software or applications developed? RFC’s team can build customized, scalable solutions on any platform – from web and mobile to IoT. We help translate visions into reality through agile development processes. RFC ensures seamless integration with your tech stack.

RFC helps businesses interpret technological advancements by evaluating culpable results. We research innovations like AR/VR, blockchain, AI and more. RFC also pilots promising technologies to assess business value.

Private Equity

RFC evaluates high-potential startups for angel investors and venture capitalists. We provide due diligence on management teams, products, finances and exit strategies to identify promising investment opportunities.

Navigating an M&A can be complex. RFC handles end-to-end transaction management to ensure smooth deals. We perform valuations, conduct legal/financial due diligence, negotiate terms and integrate post-close. RFC’s expertise delivers strategic and financial benefits.

Protect your innovations and IP. RFC investigates patent portfolios, tech innovations, and research programs for acquisition targets or partners. We uncover encumbrances to mitigate risks and maximize asset value.

Our incubator program encompasses a variety of norms to tread in the domain of sustainability and tech development. We aim to strategically position ourselves by making valuable advancements to deliver impactful solutions.

RFC sources and evaluates high-growth sectors for corporate venture arms. We make targeted investments and actively support portfolio companies. RFC’s venture capital expertise helps large organizations gain a window into emerging trends.

Through our debt advisory engagement, we identified opportunities to optimize a client’s funding structure. This new arrangement better aligns with strategically laying down a business plan by providing increased financial flexibility to support planned growth initiatives over the long term.

Project Management

RFC helps teams adopt Agile practices. We train on Scrum, Kanban and other frameworks and empower organizations to refine processes. RFC also coaches self-organizing teams in estimating, planning and daily standups. Our Agile expertise accelerates delivery of high-value solutions.

Continual improvement is key to long-term success. RFC teaches the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle to institutionalize process management. We help teams establish KPIs, implement small tests of change and analyze impacts to refine systems. RFC sustains a culture of learning and excellence.

From ideation to closeout, organizations can make use of RFC’s project consulting services. We assist with requirements gathering, budgeting, scheduling and risk planning. RFC’s experienced consultants track progress to keep complex initiatives on track and on budget.

RFC executes your projects efficiently and cost-effectively using tried-and-tested frameworks. We establish governance, assign dedicated resources and standardize communications and documentation. RFC takes responsibility for hands-on delivery so the organization can focus on core work.

RFC helps define project scope and objectives upfront. We break down work, estimate effort and sequence activities to build a baseline schedule. RFC also identifies dependencies and assigns resources. Our planning lays the groundwork for smooth execution and success.

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About Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC


Understand multiple industries at a glance, which encompasses change as its core attribute.

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RFC helps clients generate long-term value for all stakeholders. We help clients transform, grow, and operate while fostering trust through assurance with our services and solutions, which are made possible by data and technology.


We balance ESG and risk mitigation in our professional services. Our consulting experts make sustainability a business priority with vision and pragmatism.

ISO Standards

Featured Reports

Understand the macroeconomic situations that affect the global positioning of countries.

Businesses can better understand how chatbots can advocate their vision.

DeFi helps reduce dependency on traditional methods of transactions.

Creating a sustainable environment for driving multiple countries into a better tomorrow.

Understand how the U.S. discrepancy in accordance to their debt creates a havoc. 

Sustainable blockchain technology has immense benefit for the environment which cannot go unnoticed.

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Featured Reports

Understand the macroeconomic situations that affect the global positioning of countries.

Businesses can better understand how chatbots can advocate their vision.

DeFi helps reduce dependency on traditional methods of transactions.

Creating a sustainable environment for driving multiple countries into a better tomorrow.

Understand how the U.S. discrepancy in accordance to their debt creates a havoc. 

Sustainable blockchain technology has immense benefit for the environment which cannot go unnoticed.

About Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC

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Featured Reports

Understand the macroeconomic situations that affect the global positioning of countries.

Businesses can better understand how chatbots can advocate their vision.

DeFi helps reduce dependency on traditional methods of transactions.

Creating a sustainable environment for driving multiple countries into a better tomorrow.

Understand how the U.S. discrepancy in accordance to their debt creates a havoc. 

Sustainable blockchain technology has immense benefit for the environment which cannot go unnoticed.