
sustainable agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture for Economic Profitability

Sustainable agriculture is a way of farming that meets the current and future needs of food production, while minimizing the negative impacts on the environment, society and economy. Sustainable agriculture aims for establishing many prominent things such as – conserve natural resources, enhance soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve animal welfare and ensure food security and quality.

It focuses on profiting farmers and promoting rural economies while protecting natural resources for long-term productivity. This paper mainly focuses on the sustainable agriculture practices and systems (SAPSs) in India.

The global sustainable agriculture market was estimated to reach $31.35 by 2031 at a CAGR of 10.17%. Rising consumer demand for organic foods, stringent regulations to curb chemical usage and government initiatives are major growth drivers.

Source: Modor Intelligence

The Indian agriculture market is valued at $355.52 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $ 451.59 billion by 2028 at a CAGR of 4.9%. Sustainable agricultural practices aim to meet society’s food and textile needs in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible way.

Some of the key advantages of adopting sustainable practices

  • Soil health: Organic matter addition through composting, green manuring and reduced tillage enriches soil microbiology and structure. This improves water retention, yields and resilience against droughts and floods.
  • Water conservation: Techniques like mulching, drip irrigation, watershed management and rainwater harvesting optimize water usage. This is critical in water-stressed regions.
  • Biodiversity: Crop diversity, integrated pest management and habitat conservation boost beneficial insects, pollinators and wildlife on farms. This natural pest and disease control lowers dependence on chemicals.
  • Energy efficiency: Minimum or no-till practices, use of renewable energy sources and manual labour over machinery reduce fossil fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.
  • Livelihoods: Localized food systems provide fair incomes to smallholder farmers and rural communities through reduced input costs and premium prices for sustainable products.
  • Resilience: Diversified, flexible production systems along with healthy soils can better withstand impacts of climate change like erratic rainfall.

While agricultural operations provide unique opportunities to conserve biodiversity, they also can threaten wild species and spaces. From habitat loss to pollution, agriculture contributes to many of the environmental challenges that WWF actively addresses.

Few of the impacts of not practicing sustainable agriculture are


Agriculture is the leading source of pollution in many countries. Pesticides, fertilizers and other toxic farm chemicals can poison fresh water, marine ecosystems, air and soil. They also can remain in the environment for generations. Many pesticides are suspected of disrupting the hormonal systems of people and wildlife. Fertilizer run-off impacts waterways and coral reefs.


Farming is the only viable livelihood option for three-quarters of the global population living below the poverty line. Subsidies provided by US and European governments to their agriculturalists encourage overproduction, which drives down world prices and forces many producers in developing countries to cut corners environmentally. Producers facing declining harvests from cleared lands expand into surrounding wild lands that are rich in biodiversity, resulting in a cycle of more people living below the poverty line and biodiversity loss.


The agricultural sector consumes about 69 percent of the planet’s fresh water. Without creative conservation measures in place, agricultural production consumes excessive water and degrades water quality. This adversely impacts freshwater systems throughout the world.


Many farming practices—such as burning fields and using gasoline-powered machinery—are significant contributors to the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contends that the livestock sector alone is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas production. Additionally, clearing land for agricultural production is a major contributor to climate change, as the carbon stored in intact forests is released when they are cut or burned.

Key sustainable practices

  • Organic farming: Eliminates synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Nutrients come from organic wastes, cover crops and biodynamic preparations. IFOAM and APEDA regulate certification.
  • Conservation agriculture: Minimum soil disturbance, permanent organic soil cover and crop rotations through no-till practices protect soil health.
  • Agroforestry: Trees are integrated into crop and livestock operations to create micro-climatic benefits through windbreaks and shade. Fodder and fuelwood also become available.
  • Integrated pest management: Pest monitoring and cultural, mechanical, biological controls are preferred over chemicals to maintain balance of beneficial/harmful species.
  • Precision agriculture: GPS, GIS, sensors and software help optimize water, nutrients, seed varieties etc based on precise field conditions to improve yields with fewer inputs.

Policies and way forward The Government of India aims to double farmer incomes and achieve a sustainable agricultural growth rate of 4% through initiatives like Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana, Soil Health Cards, and Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Widespread adoption of these practices requires increased awareness, incentives for farmers, and private sector investments in research, extension and supply chains for organic produce. With the right support, India can transition to a sustainable and resilient food production model.

The following are the way forward to scale-up sustainable agriculture in India

  • Focus on knowledge exchange and capacity building among farmers and agriculture extension workers on Sustainable Agriculture Practice. Leveraging and building-on the extensive prevailing on-ground CSO capacity would be a great first step.
  • Restructure the government support to farmers. Instead of encouraging resource intensive cultivation through inputs-based subsidies, align incentives towards resource conservation while rewarding outcomes (such as total farm productivity, enhanced ecosystem services) and not merely outputs such as yields. It will allow a multitude of farming approaches, including Sustainable Agriculture Practice, to flourish.
  • Support rigorous evidence generation through long-term comparative assessment (between resource-intensive and sustainable agriculture) in view of changing-climate to inform long-term resilient approaches to nutrition security. It would help enable evidence backed and context-relevant scale up of Sustainable Agriculture Practice.
  • Broaden perspectives of stakeholders across the agriculture ecosystem to consider alternative approaches, as they are only exposed to resource-intensive agriculture for the last six decades. A suite of strategies spanning evidence-driven narratives to on-ground field visits would help.
  • Adopt transition support plans to extend short-term transitionary support to those who would get adversely impacted by a large-scale transition to sustainable agriculture.
  • Make sustainable agriculture visible by integrating data and information collection on SAPs in the prevailing agriculture data systems at the national and state level. In the absence of reliable data, it is difficult to ascertain the scale and extent of sustainable agriculture in India.

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Vertical Farming RFC Vegetables GCC

Comprehensive Market Research – Vertical Farming

We provide comprehensive market research and intelligence report on vertical farming, a rapidly growing market that is expected to reach USD 9.7 billion by 2026. We have provided comprehensive market research, competitive analysis, pricing strategy, traffic analysis, key competitive advantages, and customer acquisition strategies for the industry. These documents and analyses provide valuable information and insights on the current and future trends, challenges, opportunities, risks, and strategies in the industry.

The vertical farming industry is driven by factors such as the increasing demand for food security and sustainability, the rising adoption of energy-efficient and eco-friendly farming methods, the growing urbanization and population growth, and the favorable government policies and initiatives for green agriculture. The industry is also facing challenges such as high initial investment and operational costs, limited crop variety and scalability, technical and environmental issues, and lack of skilled labor and expertise. The industry is segmented by technology (hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics), structure (building-based, shipping container-based), crop type (leafy greens, herbs, fruits, vegetables), end user (residential, commercial), and geography.

We have analysed the pricing strategies of different competitors in the vertical farming industry, based on their product features, target segments, value proposition, cost structure, and competitive advantage. We have also provided a comparison table of the pricing plans and features of each competitor. We have suggested some best practices and tips for setting a pricing strategy that can maximize revenue and customer satisfaction. We have also provided some best practices and tips for developing and implementing effective customer acquisition strategies that can increase brand awareness, generate leads, nurture prospects, and drive sales.

The market research done for Vertical Farming enabled us to take on more customised and tailored services in the vertical farming industry. This has helped us to embrace a future that includes a sustainable farming using vertical farming.

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natural and human resources, environmental health, land and natural resources, natural ecosystems

Sustainable Agriculture

natural and human resources, environmental health, land and natural resources, natural ecosystems


According to the World Bank, agriculture is responsible for up to 30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. The farming industry generates these emissions through various means such as transportation, the cultivation, harvesting, and processing of crops as well as livestock production. Additionally, the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers in agriculture leads to water pollution.

Undoubtedly, there is a pressing need to decrease agriculture’s ecological footprint while simultaneously increasing productivity to sustain a rising global population. The world’s population stands at 7.7 billion and is anticipated to increase to 9 billion by 2050. Unfortunately, expanding urban areas and climate change are causing a decline in available agricultural land. As per the World Bank’s estimation, food production will need to grow by 70% by 2050 to bridge this gap.

This is where the significance of sustainable agriculture becomes apparent. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture sustainable agriculture refers to practices designed to safeguard the environment, enhance the Earth’s natural resource reservoirs, and preserve and advance soil fertility.

What is sustainable agriculture?

environmental health, animal production practices, environmental quality, food system, not only the input

Sustainable agriculture is a purposeful endeavor to conserve the environment, expand the Earth’s natural resource reserves, and simultaneously promote animal and human welfare. Its objective is to cater to the present food and textile demands of society while ensuring that future generations’ access to natural resources is not compromised.

Furthermore, sustainable agriculture contributes to preserving the environment by fostering soil quality, minimizing erosion, and conserving water. To promote sustainable practices, agriculturalists prioritize specific criteria, keeping pace with contemporary sustainability practices.

What are sustainable food systems?

natural resources involves maintaining, social and economic equity, food system, human health

Sustainable food systems (SFS) refer to a food production and distribution system that not only guarantees adequate access to food and nutrition for everyone but also upholds the economic, social, and environmental pillars necessary to produce food sustainably for generations to come. This means that:

  • It is economically sustainable, meaning it is profitable throughout

  • It has broad-based benefits for society, ensuring social sustainability

  • It should have a positive or neutral effect on the natural environment, ensuring environmental sustainability

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prioritize the establishment of a sustainable food system. Enacted in 2015, the SDGs demand substantial alterations in agriculture and food systems to eradicate hunger, accomplish food security, and enhance nutrition by 2030.

To achieve the SDGs, it is important to transform the global food system to become more productive, inclusive of impoverished and marginalized populations, environmentally sustainable, and resilient. Additionally, for sustainable food systems, it should be capable of providing wholesome and nutritious diets to everyone.


natural resource base, sustainable farming, food and tier productivity, reduce soil erosion, human health

Environmental Benefits

Reduced soil erosion and soil degradation

The rampant use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, monoculture practices, and over-tilling can cause soil erosion and degradation. However, sustainable agriculture practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and minimal tillage can prevent soil erosion and degradation.

Such practices assist in conserving soil moisture, retaining soil structure, soil nutrients and preventing soil erosion. Furthermore sustainable agriculture employs organic fertilizers and natural pest control techniques which promote soil fertility and curb soil degradation.

Reduced greenhouse gas emissions

Conventional agriculture practices significantly contribute to climate change by emitting greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, mainly due to the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Conversely, sustainable agriculture practices aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, minimizing tillage, and embracing organic farming methods.

Additionally, sustainable agriculture promotes the adoption of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy which can further minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

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Preservation of biodiversity

Biodiversity is crucial for the existence of all living beings, including humans. Regrettably, conventional agriculture practices have resulted in habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, and the extinction of numerous species. Sustainable agriculture practices prioritize the preservation of biodiversity by encouraging the use of agroforestry, crop rotation, and intercropping.

These methods foster diverse ecosystems that support the growth of beneficial organisms such as pollinators and natural predators. Furthermore, sustainable agriculture promotes seed banks, which safeguard and conserve native plant species.

Reduced water usage

Sustainable agriculture practices are instrumental in reducing water usage by advocating for the implementation of efficient irrigation systems like drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting. These practices help conserve water, reduce wastage, and improve soil moisture. Moreover, sustainable agriculture promotes the cultivation of drought-resistant crops that require less water for growth further reducing water usage.

social and economic equity, developing countries, agricultural land, food and fiber productivity, such a way

Social Benefits

Improved farming practices and livelihood

Sustainable agriculture practices prioritize natural farming methods that enhance soil fertility and prevent soil erosion resulting in increased crop yields, improved crop quality, and decreased production costs. Farmers who implement sustainable agriculture are better positioned to adapt to climate change, thanks to their resilient and adaptable farming systems.

Moreover, sustainable agriculture encourages crop diversification, providing farmers with a year-round income source. These advantages enhance farming practices and livelihoods, leading to better living conditions for farmers and their families.

Increased food security

Food security is a major challenge in numerous developing countries where a significant percentage of the population faces hunger and malnutrition. Sustainable agriculture practices address this challenge by encouraging the cultivation of diverse crops that provide a variety of food sources throughout the year.

Moreover, sustainable agriculture practices enhance soil fertility leading to increased crop yields and better crop quality. This results in greater food production, lower food prices, and improved food accessibility for vulnerable rural communities.

food systems, soil microbial life, reduced volume irrigation systems, food and agriculture organization

Improved access to education and healthcare

Sustainable agriculture practices not only have positive impacts on the environment but also on the social and economic well-being of human communities. Implementing sustainable farming practices leads to improved livelihoods and increased income for farmers which helps to enhance access to education and healthcare.

Farmers who practice sustainable agriculture can provide their children with better educational opportunities, resulting in higher literacy rates and improved job prospects for future generations. Additionally, increased income enables better access to healthcare, leading to improved health and well-being for the entire community.

Preservation of cultural heritage

By promoting traditional farming methods and preserving indigenous plant species, sustainable agriculture practices play a vital role in preserving cultural heritage. The loss of biodiversity and the destruction of habitats threaten many indigenous plant species.

Sustainable agriculture practices help to preserve biodiversity, protecting these plant species and their cultural significance. Additionally, sustainable agriculture practices help to preserve traditional farming practices that have been passed down through generations fostering a sense of community and promoting cultural heritage.

sustainable agriculture community, sustainable agriculture research, agricultural production, on farm resources

Economic Benefits

Increased crop yields over time

Employing sustainable agriculture practices can boost crop yields in the long run by fostering soil health, promoting biodiversity, and mitigating the adverse effects of pests and diseases. For example, crop rotation and intercropping methods can minimize soil erosion, enrich soil fertility and composition, and increase yields by encouraging a wider variety of crops.

Additionally, sustainable practices such as implementing organic fertilizers and integrated pest management (IPM) can reduce the reliance on artificial inputs while maintaining high crop yields. Adopting these practices enables farmers to achieve elevated yields consistently without degrading the quality of their land.

Reduced input costs

Sustainable agriculture practices not only benefit the environment but also cut down input expenses for farmers by promoting the use of natural resources over costly synthetic inputs. Employing natural fertilizers like manure and compost can substantially decrease the expense of purchasing chemical fertilizers.

Moreover, the utilization of crop residues as mulch can control weeds, minimize the need for herbicides, and save farmers money. Additionally, sustainable agriculture practices such as conservation tillage can reduce fuel and labor expenses related to traditional tillage methods.

sustainable agricultural systems, food systems, agricultural production, sustainable agriculture research

Improved soil health and fertility

By implementing sustainable practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and utilizing organic fertilizers, the quantity of organic matter in the soil can increase resulting in enhanced soil structure and fertility while minimizing soil erosion. Subsequently, soil water retention can improve, nutrient runoff can decrease, and soil’s ability to support crop growth can increase. Additionally, healthier soils promote biodiversity, which results in an overall improvement in environmental health and the ecosystem’s health.

Increased resilience to climate change and other environmental challenges

Adopting sustainable agriculture practices can enhance farmers’ ability to withstand climate change and other environmental obstacles. Techniques such as crop rotation and intercropping aid in lessening the impact of droughts and floods by enhancing soil moisture retention and limiting soil erosion.

Moreover, sustainable methods like conservation tillage lower greenhouse gas emissions and alleviate the adverse impacts of climate change. To add, agroforestry, a sustainable agricultural practice, helps safeguard crops from severe weather conditions and enrich biodiversity.

crop production, soil health, environmental sustainability, farming systems, diversified agricultural production

Blockchain Technology

Although blockchain technology is frequently associated with cryptocurrency transactions, it also holds promise in agriculture. Its reliable and accurate transaction tracking abilities enable the tracing of agricultural products from the farm to the end consumer. Agricultural supply chains are currently utilizing this technology to identify the origin of foodborne illnesses, such as salmonella.

By capitalizing on the advantages of blockchain technology, the agricultural sector can boost safety and responsibility across the entire supply chain.


Farmers are continually exploring new ways to leverage drone technology to improve crop management effectiveness. Initially, drones were employed for crop chemical spraying. However, their applications now encompass aerial photography for crop evaluation and sensor data collection, which can be evaluated to determine crop health and weed populations.

Drones are also being used to distribute tree seeds to support reforestation efforts. With ongoing advancements in technology, both the environment and agricultural sector is likely to discover further inventive methods of using drones to facilitate sustainable farming practices.

more diversified agricultural production, enhance environmental quality, sustainable agriculture continuum


For a long time, farmers have relied on biotechnology to upgrade crop quality. Through crossbreeding, sturdier plants with superior yields and larger and more robust livestock have been developed. With more sophisticated laboratory methods crossbreeding time has been significantly reduced, and specific traits can be added or removed to suit different conditions.

Nonetheless, there is some controversy around these methods, with opposition expressing concerns that modified crops could cause unforeseen and harmful consequences. However, supporters argue that biotechnology can improve crop productivity, resistance to pests and disease, and adaptability to local environmental conditions i.e., droughts or excessive moisture.

Artificial Intelligence

The implementation of AI technology enables farmers to make informed decisions about crop planting, livestock feeding, and sales by analyzing data. This assists farmers in applying fertilizers with greater accuracy and timeliness leading to more efficient resource allocation and reduced chemical and fuel usage.

By using data-driven insights, farmers can optimize their operations and achieve superior outcomes.


drought resistant farming systems, agricultural productivity, consumption patterns, working and living conditions

Monsanto specializes in manufacturing a variety of herbicides, pesticides, bioengineered seeds, and other agricultural technologies. Leveraging their expertise in biotechnology, Monsanto has been instrumental in the creation of genetically modified crops capable of withstanding drought, pests, and diseases, all while yielding greater outputs.

Syngenta has also taken the lead in spearheading research and development efforts, introducing groundbreaking products. Syngenta is dedicated to generating sustainable agricultural solutions that mitigate food insecurity, foster environmental preservation, and elevate the living standards of farmers.

natural biological cycles, farming system, economic profitability, consumer health, systems perspective

Bayer Crop Science is devoted to producing and providing dependable and sustainable solutions that prioritize the safety of people, animals, and the environment. The company also endeavors to make a constructive impact on society by advocating for sustainable farming practices, conserving biodiversity, and facilitating access to knowledge and technology.

DowAgroSciences delivers inventive products and solutions that address pest control, crop protection, seed technology, nutrition, and other agricultural challenges. Their offerings are tailored to help farmers enhance their yields and minimize their ecological footprint. DowAgroSciences also extends its expertise in animal health and nutrition concentrating on livestock nutrition and biologics to boost animal health and productivity.


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Businesses worldwide are acknowledging the significance of sustainable farming and are implementing measures to tackle environmental concerns and endorse eco-friendly farming and animal production practices. Through the integration of pioneering technologies and partnership with farmers, companies can aid in lessening the ecological footprint of agriculture while securing a reliable source of food for future generations.

Ruskin Felix Consulting helps in developing sustainable solutions and strategies for businesses. We help clients transform, grow, and operate while fostering trust through assurance with our services and solutions, which are made possible by data and technology. Please feel free to contact us at

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Comprehensive Valuation Report – Black Orchard Farming

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Black Orchard Farming

Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC partnered with Black Orchard Farming to prepare a comprehensive valuation report. The report highlights the financial viability of the project by laying emphasis on the business risk, credit risk, competition risk while also analyzing the projections. The infrastructure outlay forms a significant part of the report. To understand how financially viable the project is, we have highlighted the revenue segmentation, projected revenue, operational expenses and revenue expenses. The financial metrics further helps to understand the NPV and IRR, payback period and the capital that is required to be raised. 

Some of the key risks associated with this type of business are as follows:

  • Scalability of farms and cost of acquisition
  • Yield maximization practices
  • Distribution Network – Self or franchise Model

There will be a credit risk that Black Orchard Farming will be exposed to as well if some parts of the operations are funded through debt. In such a case the assumed WACC of 10% may also change.

Even with higher demand and opportunity in the market, businesses that have focus on food products run the risk of depreciation or obsoletion of output produced in case of long-term storage. This increases the cost of warehousing as well as the need for assured demand for the output. With various players against Black Orchard Farming in the field, the sudden increase in competition might affect the long-term view of the business as product differentiation and distribution will be key to the operational success.

The overall valuation of Black Orchard Farming is based on 3 valuation methods and is computed based on the

weighted average of the valuation methods. The overall valuation of the company is $16.67 Million on a 5 Year forwards basis. The methods used to compute the value of the company are:

  • PE multiple of FCFF cash flows
  • Overall Project NPV Valuation – DCF Valuation
  • Terminal Value Method

The range of valuation for the business is computed at: $14.1 Million to $19.2 Million

It is to be noted that this value is based on the projections and assumptions made for the valuation and may significantly differ during real operations due to the overall business and industry risk.

For an investment of $800,000, the investor should get 4.17% – 5.6% of the overall company at the above-mentioned valuation range.

Black Orchard Farming is a viable investment due to its assured structured cash flows and growth potential at a valuation of $16.67 Million and the investor should invest $800,000 at a Share value of 4-6% Equity in the company.

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Comprehensive Strategy Formulation – Manuka Honey – New Zealand

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Manuka Honey

Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC prepared a comprehensive strategy formulation report focusing on the Manuka Honey pricing analysis. The report lays emphasis on the industry characteristics, fluctuations and future scope of the industry. The report analyzes the growth drivers, industry challenges, industry opportunities and business environmental analysis. This report also highlights the financial viability of the of the project by detailing the financial assessment, costing management, absorption costing, cost allocation and pricing and revenue computation. 

Manuka honey is made from the nectar of the manuka tree and is only produced in Australia and New Zealand. The key active ingredient is methylglyoxal. This is an antibacterial organic compound that can be used for both medicine and everyday health benefits. Consumer’s changing lifestyle, rising health concerns, increasing healthcare costs, and growing preference for a fit and active lifestyle are the key factors driving the demand for the it.

Manuka honey is making a comeback in the wellness world, and for legitimate reason. It is high in vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, and minerals, all of which aid in skin protection and renewal. It’s utilized in lotions, gels, perfumes, foundations, and mascara, to mention a few applications. Furthermore, it has health benefits such as strengthening the immune system, avoiding oral infections, speeding up the healing process, and stimulating the respiratory system, all of which contribute to the demand for Manuka honey. The rich flavor, as well as its expanded uses as a table sugar substitute, are driving the market forward. 

The market in North America is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Rapid growth in the snacking needs of children and the surge in the consumption of nutrient enriched food is fueling the growth of manuka honey market in North America. The manuka honey market was valued at US$ 741.69 million in 2019 and is projected to reach US$ 1,238.15 million by 2028; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2020 to 2028. 

The growth drivers for manuka honey are as follows:

  • Increase in number of health-conscious individuals worldwide.
  • Antibacterial properties.
  • Therapeutic properties.
  • Usage in beauty products.
  • Rise in e-commerce contributing to manuka honey sales.

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Comprehensive Market Research Report – Water features and Gardening

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Water Features & Gardening

Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC prepared a research and business strategy report based on the water features and gardening marketing in GCC countries. The research aims at analyzing demand of the product segments Fountains, Water features, Landscaping and Gardening as an industry in the GCC countries by collecting personal data and analyzing key personnel in the industry and related industry to understand scope, opportunities and challenges in the industry. The research will also look at the Product mix that is best suited for each product segment and focus on the same based on metrics and data acquired by the market. It covers in very detail the aspects of online sales, trends, interest and demand patterns for the product focus and shows even search trends, and demand in GCC and major regions across the same.

The overall fountain features industry is primarily used for commercial purposes and tourism attractions to be created. Resorts and smaller hotels are looking for such installations as well. The overall demand of water features and fountains is very less when used for personal use. Residential real estate projects are also a common hotspot and demand niche for this industry. This also includes gardening products and landscaping potentials for the same in all GCC countries. The countries also have a free migration policy and thus always motivates foreigners to permanently shift into the country also due the tax cuts and haven that these countries are.

Landscaping and gardening are an industry that has been booming in the past 10 years in GCC, with various competitors at all levels of operations, the industry is growing at a CAGR 17% YOY. The demand for such products is also high in the lower price range among residence owners and homeowners including builders, real estate projects, and tourism industry. The level of interest for gardening products in retail customers among all GCC countries varies based on the income group in the retail segment.

Artificial water features compose a major section and percentage of the tourist attractions in UAE. Other GCC countries like Saudi Arabia are catching up to the trend, where countries like Oman, and Qatar are way behind in the demand for such features. The differentiating factor in such water features is the design and utility of the water feature. Such features have a range of products and designs for the customer to choose from and are usually complex in design. Innovations in water technology, light technology and overall efficiency of such features can help a company to price their products more effectively in the market and gain market share.

The overall view of industry is viable however due to the pandemic substantial challenges are seen in the stalled projects and lack of demand, however with a good product mix, the company will be able to create a market share in the industry and develop further in the product niches of Water features, fountains and landscaping, gardening. 

  • Fountains and water features – Due to the COVID-19, the slowdown in tourism and stalling of many real estate projects will slow down the demand in these products. Thus, a B2B approach to sales will be profitable while focusing on good running projects and lower focus on online retail market.
  • Landscaping and gardening products – High potential of the gardening products and small-scale landscaping services in many countries with lower competition can prove very profitable. Online presence in this can also be made.

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Comprehensive Feasibility Study and Execution Plan – La Colombe

La Colombe

Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC partnered and prepared a report analyzing the coffee industry and preparing a comprehensive study on the competitors. One of the major competitors that was focused upon was La Colombe. We tried to help by explaining the company analysis, store availability, their unique strategy, sales analysis, the coffee product segmentation, segmentation based on distribution channel, coffee consumption and highlights related to the coffee industry. This report was thoroughly detailed, and each section was analyzed carefully.


La Colombe ( is a leading coffee roaster known for ethical, long-term trade practices with growers. Considered one of the pioneers of the third wave of coffee, it provides signature classic blends and exceptional single-origin coffees to cafés, hotels, restaurants and retailers around the world. In addition, the company owns and operates 30 cafés in Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Boston, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles – with additional locations and new markets scheduled to open in 2019. The company has also made headlines in the ready-to-drink business with its DRAFT LATTE – the world’s first-ever textured iced latte. 


The whole ready-to-drink coffee sector has annual sales of $4.1 billion 1 and is increasing at a rate of 12% across all channels. La Colombe’s ready-to-drink beverages are growing at a rate of 130 percent in the grocery channel. The multi-serve segment is growing at twice the rate of the overall category, demonstrating that customers want ready-to-drink options for their at-home needs. Draft Latte has gained over 55,000 points of distribution nationwide and has achieved more than 51% ACV.


La Colombe’s Unique Strategy – Getting Reviews Lift from Gift Card Incentives: Offering a review reward was one technique La Colombe employed to more than quadruple its review collecting. According to Power Reviews study, nearly three-quarters of consumers (73%) would be inspired to submit a review if they were given a reward. Offering a review bonus was one approach employed by La Colombe to more than quadruple their review collecting. During July and August, the company increased its review volume by 82%, and between July and September, it increased by 310%. This was significant since it allowed the organization to obtain many new evaluations in time for the holiday buying season.


La Colombe also uses feedback from customers to improve its user experience and web design. When several evaluations revealed that customers were having trouble choosing the proper roast level, the team recognized that the roast-level labelling in the product descriptions was not obvious. As a result, La Colombe’s web team re-calibrated its roast ranges on its website to better fit with consumer wants, needs, and expectations, with a specially designed red header under each product clearly stating its roast degree. According to Liz Cornell, La Colombe’s User Experience Lead, obtaining this insight via user-generated content was a more direct and cost-effective way to find potential for improvement than organizing focus groups and meeting with an independent digital firm once a week.


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Elemantra Enterprises – Investor Documentation

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Elemantra Enterprises

Ruskin Felix Consulting partnered with Elemantra Enterprises to create a comprehensive business plan and strategy report. We helped them to understand the industry overview, market capitalization, market segmentation, fluctuations in the industry and the future scope, growth drivers, industry challenges, industry opportunities, market entry strategies, total available market, serviceable available market, service obtainable market, and the financial viability of the business which includes the cost, revenue, and cash flow assessment. 

Elemantra Enterprises is a social enterprise in the WASH sector (water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management). We aim to provide cost-effective equipment and solutions to reduce, reuse, recycle and help in managing waste of different kinds. Elemantra began operations in March 2013 with the objective to offer equipment and solutions for sanitation, hygiene – especially menstrual hygiene – and domestic hazardous waste-management.

Elemantra would undertake sanitary pad incinerator installation projects for Schools, Corporates, and Government offices in India. The product line would be constantly updated to provide new technology which could give better performance and help in reducing secondary infections and reduce pollution. The company also has plans to create partnerships with other international hygiene solution providers to increase its product offerings for clients, India’s first aggregator of Sanitation products.  Their unique range of products include equipment and technologies for the management and mitigation of menstrual waste and women’s hygiene, municipal solid waste, bio-medical waste, food waste, agro and forestry waste. The future products in pipeline include the sanitary pad vending machine, bio-medical waste indicator, smart – self sorting bins, and plastic waste shredders and grinders. 

Elemantra will also be focusing on CSR initiatives of various corporates to find women health and hygiene as a focused campaign. These avenues will be key to the success of the business as a single corporate client may result in various machine orders for each of their offices. The same aspect will be tapped into for Co-op Housing societies as well and social awareness will be key to the company’s underlying campaign. The company will also target corporates looking to initiative CSR campaigns in the sanitation space and collaborate with them to increase their client base and brand visibility. Elemantra will also advertise their products on the GeM (Government e-Market Place). 

The overall funds to be raised by the company are INR 4.34 Crores. This includes the Pre-development cost of Elemantra as well. The current valuation of the company is on a post-Op basis, the overall Value assessed includes the NPV based return at 75% weightage as this return metric is usually the most conservative as it computes valuation on a free cash flows basis. The valuation of the company is thus assessed at INR 13.74 Crores. At a 15% deviation range. The valuation range is between INR 11.68 Crores and INR 15.8 Crores. 

Considering the business’s valuation, the business has very high potential due to the scalability and business model the business has. As a result, the business should raise an amount of INR 12 – 20 Crore to cover the net cash flow that the company is expected to utilize in the first three years of the business’s operations.

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New Zealand Honey Co. | Manuka Honey

Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC prepared a comprehensive strategy formulation report focusing on the manuka honey pricing analysis. The report lays emphasis on the industry characteristics, fluctuations and future scope of the industry. The report analyzes the growth drivers, industry challenges, industry opportunities and business environmental analysis. This report also highlights the financial viability of the of the project by detailing the financial assessment, costing management, absorption costing, cost allocation and pricing and revenue computation. We aimed to help our client create a detailed pricing strategy and policy to ascertain the prices on a national, international and quality based pricing.

The honey is made from the nectar of the manuka tree and is only produced in Australia and New Zealand. The key active ingredient is methylglyoxal. This is an antibacterial organic compound that can be used for both medicine and everyday health benefits. Consumer’s changing lifestyle, rising health concerns, increasing healthcare costs, and growing preference for a fit and active lifestyle are the key factors driving the demand for the manuka honey.

Manuka honey is making a comeback in the wellness world, and for legitimate reason. It is high in vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, and minerals, all of which aid in skin protection and renewal. It’s utilized in lotions, gels, perfumes, foundations, and mascara, to mention a few applications. Furthermore, it has health benefits such as strengthening the immune system, avoiding oral infections, speeding up the healing process, and stimulating the respiratory system, all of which contribute to the demand. The rich flavor of Manuka honey, as well as its expanded uses as a table sugar substitute, are driving the market forward. 

The manuka honey market in North America is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Rapid growth in the snacking needs of children and the surge in the consumption of nutrient enriched food is fueling the growth of manuka honey market in North America. The market was valued at US$ 741.69 million in 2019 and is projected to reach US$ 1,238.15 million by 2028; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2020 to 2028. 

The growth drivers for manuka honey are as follows:

  • Increase in number of health-conscious individuals worldwide.
  • Antibacterial properties.
  • Therapeutic properties.
  • Usage in beauty products.
  • Rise in e-commerce contributing to manuka honey sales.

New Zealand Honey Co. | Manuka Honey Read More »

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