Consumer Retail

Merch Informer RFC

Comprehensive B-Plan & Valuation – Merch Informer

Ruskin Felix Consulting performed Valuation Services for Merch Informer, which included Due Diligence, Industry Analysis, Financial Projections, and Cost Assessment. The valuation techniques used were Earnings Based Valuation and DCF Method (NPV Analysis), which relied on the company’s revenue and profitability data from its financial statements.

Merch Informer pioneered the Merch by Amazon space by offering research tools. It has a competitive edge in terms of cost-effectiveness and customer satisfaction, which attracted us to apply our expertise in valuing their growing company. We also assisted them with analyzing their competitors and devising strategies to expand their business in the upcoming years.

Merch by Amazon revolutionized the apparel industry a few years ago by allowing merchants to sell products directly to the consumer without ever having to worry about supply chain, manufacturing, and logistics. With royalty revenue from licensed merchandise totaling $14.5 billion in 2018 and growing at CAGR c.2.6%, Merch Informer is poised to capitalize on this market trend.

Our industry analysis, company assessment, and financial projections revealed that Merch Informer has several competitive edges, such as the ability to search for designs on social media and the provision of an in-house design platform with multiple third-party software connections, such as Google AdWords. These aspects create a highly customer-centric business model that is likely to experience substantial growth in the near future.

Looking forward, the company is committed to staying at the forefront of technological and design trends. Merch Informer continually strives to update its platform to meet the changing needs of their users. Merch Informer also plans to expand their business globally to cater to a broader set of customers, entrepreneurs, designers and businesses that are looking to tap into the ever-growing market of customised merchandise. RFC looks forward to shape the future of Merch by Amazon space and thrive its business in the global market.

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Training RFC Salesforce

Training & Development Strategy – Regence Inc.

Ruskin Felix Consulting (RFC) collaborated with Regence Inc. to address technology risks and create a comprehensive Training & Development Strategy for Salesforce, considering the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the industry and competitors faced disruptions due to the pandemic, RFC worked closely with Regence Inc. to implement a transformative workforce strategy, giving them a significant competitive advantage and enabling them to gain a larger market share.

The overall strategic plan devised by RFC spanned one year and focused on creating Strata-based learning and development levels, promoting a mindset shift, and fostering an inclusive integrated structure aligned with organizational goals. The plan comprised three key components:

Training & Upskilling Program: RFC designed a comprehensive training and upskilling program to equip the salesforce with the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to the changing market landscape. This program ensured that the workforce remained competent and competitive in the digital era.

Leadership Development Program: To strengthen leadership capabilities, RFC formulated a leadership development program that honed the skills of existing leaders and identified emerging leaders within the organization. This program aimed to cultivate a pool of competent leaders capable of steering the company towards success.

Actualization Program: The actualization program provided employees with the resources and support they needed to actualize their potential, fostering a positive work environment and enhancing employee engagement.

Additionally, RFC assisted in developing core sales development policies and a transformational development policy. These policies were strategically designed to optimize the use of data and resources, increase sales conversion rates, and boost overall productivity.

In line with the new digital, work-from-anywhere environment, RFC helped Regence Inc. innovate and invest in new products to cater to changing customer needs and market demands. This strategic investment bolstered the company’s competitive edge and positioned them to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

By partnering with RFC, Regence Inc. successfully navigated technology risks and embraced a forward-thinking Training & Development Strategy that empowered its workforce, driving business growth, and establishing a dominant presence in the market.

Training & Development Strategy – Regence Inc. Read More »

Fashion RFC Clothing

Strategy Report – ASOS

Ruskin Felix Consulting (RFC) partnered with ASOS to devise a robust growth strategy for their fashion business, incorporating alternate channels of revenue and innovative business models gaining traction in the market. The comprehensive report prepared by RFC encompassed a meticulous assessment process, starting with market analysis, opportunity identification, and viability assessment to select the most promising options for ASOS.

Through a detailed market assessment and opportunity analysis for ASOS, RFC identified the clothes rental market as a high-potential segment, boasting an impressive ROI of 31% and strong validation in the industry. As a result, the growth strategy primarily focused on the successful implementation of the Rental and Reselling Model, with plans to integrate the Subscription Model in subsequent phases.

To ensure a successful market entry and manage the inherent risks and marketing costs, RFC designed a phased implementation plan for ASOS. The CAPEX allocation was earmarked for branding, marketing, and campaigning, with the initial focus directed towards Rental and Reselling Model. The subsequent phases involved Prototyping & Testing, Market Presence & Penetration, Market Growth, and Development & Diversification.

An integral part of the growth strategy entailed leveraging influencer marketing to facilitate the launch of the models. RFC recommended initiating influencer-based marketing campaigns, encouraging influencers to resell their used clothes on the apps. The large following and subscribers of these influencers would attract customers to the platform, driving the growth of the rental and reselling segments.

The project timeline, spanning over five years, delineated the phased approach to ASOS’s market entry and expansion. Year 1 focused on testing and launching Rentals & Reselling, followed by the launch of the Subscription Model and expansion of other business units in Year 2. Year 3 involved further expansion of existing businesses and testing the Recycling Model, while Year 4 concentrated on market share expansion and growth. By Year 5, ASOS aimed to establish itself as a prominent player in the Rental, Reused, and Recyclable market, with an internal subscription model enhancing customer retention.

With RFC’s growth strategy consulting services, ASOS was equipped with a well-defined roadmap, market-tested models, and impactful marketing initiatives, positioning them for success in the evolving fashion industry. RFC’s analytical prowess and strategic recommendations paved the way for ASOS to become a frontrunner in the fashion domain, catering to customer preferences for sustainable, reusable, and innovative fashion experiences.

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CASS Pharma Medical Industry RFC

Comprehensive B-Plan – CASS Pharma

Ruskin Felix Consulting collaborated with CASS Pharma, a company that is transforming the diabetes landscape with its novel ultra-rapid-acting injectable insulin formulations. We have provided CASS Pharma with comprehensive investor documentation, such as IM, whitepapers, decks, strategy, and financial model for their products. These documents highlight the mission, vision, value proposition, market opportunity, competitive advantage, customer journey, partners, and tokenomics of CASS Pharma and its products. We have also conducted market research, competitive analysis, regulatory assessment, and valuation estimation for CASS Pharma and its products. These analyses provide valuable information and insights on the current and future trends, challenges, opportunities, risks, and strategies in the diabetes field.

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects millions of people worldwide and causes serious complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, blindness, and amputation. Diabetes is characterized by high blood glucose levels due to insufficient insulin production or action. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels and is essential for the survival of people with type 1 diabetes and some people with type 2 diabetes. However, the current insulin formulations have limitations such as slow absorption, instability at room temperature, and risk of hypoglycemia. These factors reduce the efficacy, safety, and accessibility of insulin therapy.

CASS Pharma has developed and commercialized novel ultra-rapid-acting injectable insulin formulations that can overcome these limitations and improve the management of diabetes mellitus. The company has two lead product candidates: CASS Ultra-Rapid-Acting Lispro and CASS Ultra-Stable and Ultra-Fast-Acting RHI. Both products use Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) ingredients and are compatible with existing insulin delivery devices. They have been tested in diabetic mini pigs and have shown faster absorption and better glucose control than the current market leaders. CASS Ultra-Rapid-Acting Lispro is formulated with GRAS ingredients and may be eligible for Breakthrough Therapy Designation in the US and fast track designation ex-US. CASS Ultra-Stable and Ultra-Fast-Acting RHI uses generic recombinant human insulin and GRAS ingredients that stabilize the insulin and speed its absorption into the blood. CASS Ultra-Stable and Ultra-Fast-Acting RHI does not require refrigeration and is eligible for Breakthrough Therapy Designation in the US and fast track designation ex-US.

We have used our expertise and experience to assess and support CASS Pharma in achieving its milestones and goals. We have also provided guidance and advice to CASS Pharma on how to approach potential strategic partners and investors for their US and EU operations. We have identified and contacted relevant stakeholders in the industry and facilitated negotiations and discussions with them. We have been working closely with CASS Pharma to bring their innovative insulin products to the market and improve the lives of millions of people with diabetes.

We believe that CASS Pharma has a promising business opportunity and a strong competitive edge in the diabetes market. We recommend that you consider investing in or partnering with CASS Pharma to benefit from their products and vision.

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target market, marketing efforts, market size, competitive analysis, RFC, marketing strategy

Market Research for Growth


Conducting research for better target market analysis is an essential component of any business’s growth strategy. It helps businesses understand the needs and behaviors of their customers, identify new opportunities, and make informed decisions about where to allocate resources. By understanding marketing objectives has allowed this technology to revolutionize how these businesses operate.

The implementation of new marketing strategies has revolutionized the way businesses operate, leading to more effective business analysis, competitive advantage and better understanding of customer behavior.

By understanding your customer base, you can figure out your target market and tailoring your products and services to meet their needs, you can increase your business loan chances of success.

marketing analysis, target customer, business plan, RFC, economic environment


To achieve business growth, it is important to set clear business objectives that align with the company’s overall mission. These objectives should take into account the competition from other businesses in specific market and be supported by a well-developed marketing plan and business plan. Only then can a company successfully navigate the market and achieve growth.

below are some ideas as to how your market value can be increased, they are:

Develop a business idea for target customer

To achieve success in today’s market, it is crucial for businesses to have clear and concise business objectives. These objectives should be informed by market research and incorporated into a well-developed marketing plan, which will help the business stand out from competing businesses. A solid business plan is also essential for long-term success.

Launch at multiple target markets

Marketing efforts can be greatly enhanced through a comprehensive market analysis and a thorough understanding of market data. When conducting a thorough market analysis, it is important to consider the following factors: location, demographics, and competition.

By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions about your marketing message or business’s marketing strategy and operations.

market segment, market analysis, market analysis, target market,specific market

Competitive analysis before entering a particular market

A thorough analysis of a particular industry and your competitors can inform your marketing strategies and help you reach your goals. Focus groups can be an effective tool to gain valuable insights into your company culture and target audience.

Conducting a market analysis for ideal customer base

A market analysis section is a valuable part of your business plan, as it will define your target’ market size, your projected growth, and your unique value proposition. Conducting a comprehensive market research and a thorough analysis of your target market is essential for the success of your business.

Smooth business operations and understanding current customers

Ensuring that they retain their customers by providing them with the best possible experience, they continuously analyze their customer data to understand their preferences and behaviors. This allows them to make data-driven decisions that maximize their return on investment.

These tools help organizations understand the impact of their investment decisions on the cash flow of different areas of their business, allowing them to make data-driven decisions that maximize their return on investment.

reduce risks, specific industry, product or service, shared characteristics


Market research is an essential step for any business to grow and succeed. With the constantly evolving preferences of consumers, it’s crucial for businesses to have their fingers on the pulse of the market they serve.

However, conducting proper market research can be an uphill battle for startups and businesses with limited resources. In this section, we’ll explore how to conduct market research effectively without breaking the bank.

Understanding target customers’ buying habits

First things first, determine your target audience- who are you trying to sell to? Delve into demographics such as age, gender, location, education levels, etc., and personalize your offering accordingly.

Gather additional data

Use savvy tools like social media platforms that already have a wealth of information about their users – like Facebook Audience Insights- which will help identify your target group based on their multiple interests and behaviors.

Have a specific target audience

Once you’ve gained feedback from your core target demographic-groups through surveys or focus group studies, use tools like Google Keyword planner or SEMRush to carry out keyword analysis related to your product/service.

These tools offer insight into what people are searching online regarding similar products/services in your industry.

specific market, target market, market analysis, market analysis, RFC

Deeper insights can also be gained by checking out competitors’ web pages and social media profiles- see what content they’re posting as well as comments from existing customers/clients.

Competitive landscape and competitive edge

Speaking of competition – analyze them closely! Run competitive analyses including investigative studies where you purchase and try their offerings firsthand (be sure to avoid copyright infringement).

How long do they take delivering orders and how much customers say? Is there anything unique about their packaging? What does the customer/client base say about them? This helps identify not only potential opportunities in gaps in the competition but also pitfalls that may hold back further growth.

A worthy business idea based on marketing analysis

While analyzing data sets & reports isn’t every business owner’s favorite pastime; it’s important nonetheless when carrying out effective market research experiments! Statistical software such as SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) helps draw insights by visualizing datasets through graphs/charts & also runs comparisons so that we can build strategies based on our findings.

Execute your business plan

Finally, test your methodology! Nothing in business world beats getting feedback directly from the source i.e. customers and potential clients. Distribute free samples or put out limited offers to gain feedback on experience, packaging, product taste or texture- whatever can instructively help identify critical insights that improve customer retention.

In conclusion, conducting market research for business growth requires time and attention to detail but need not be expensive. By embracing modern tools as discussed earlier such as social media platforms, keyword analysis tools & statistical software one can make serious headway into growing their business through fact-based decision making in marketing choices instead of guesswork.

distribution channels, RFC, important component, common characteristics, product or service


I would like to draw your attention to the following. If you’re running a business, pay attention! Market research is the key to unlocking insights into your target audience and growing your biz.

But let’s be real – market research can be a real hassle. That’s why I’m here to share with you all the juicy details on how to conduct killer market research that’ll skyrocket your sales.

First things first: what are your business goals? It’s important to figure out what information you need to gather in order to achieve those goals. Are you looking to expand into new markets? Then it’s time to do some research on demographics, consumer spending behavior and purchasing habits of those markets.

But hold up- who exactly is your target audience? You need them defined before focusing entirely on gathering relevant information not only for better focus but with accuracy as well. Age, gender, income, location and interests; take all these important factors into account while defining the characteristics of your target audience.

There are several methods available for conducting market research including surveys, focus groups, interviews and observation but which one suits your needs best? It depends on both business goals and target audience alongside the type of information required.

market analysis, market analysis, RFC, target market, generally speaking

To understand customer behaviour more surveys or based groups will work while for product feedback its interviews with potential customers that works best.

Next step is developing meaningful questions that cover attitudes towards particular products or services offered by any brand/business. Often those participants who gave more specific feedback compared responses overwhelming all other aspects down making unclear meanings stand out loud and clear away from general ones.

Now it’s time for data collection through whichever method/technique chosen earlier ensuring neither being biased nor participant selection affected incorrectly, therefore, catering towards the representative segment of potential buyers facilitating achievement of reliable results correctly representing comprehensive analyses too.

It’s time for analyzing collected data finding patterns allowing identification of prominent trends necessary at this point drawing justifiable conclusions using analytic tools assessing outcomes now due to bringing insight and enabling informed decisions about future directions.

Lastly, use gathered insights to make informed decisions regarding business strategy aligned with these new found opportunities as a result of in depth research facilitating potential growth beyond expectations.

There you have it folks- market research on point! Don’t hesitate to utilize these powerful steps in order to gather thorough knowledge about your target audience and increase sales.

Defining the objectives first, identifying audience second, then deciding upon method of data collection followed by framing questions in a way that helps bring clear representation from usual responses while remaining unbiased already prepares you for well-informed strategic planning feeding into innovative development and overall success.

Industry's size, RFC, larger companies, free template


Let’s now shift our focus to risk assessment and management. In today’s world, getting your business to grow requires a key ingredient- reducing risk. Nobody wants their own product or service to flop or fail in the market, right?

Absolutely not! The solution is easy and that’s by creating products that meet their target audience’s specific needs. How do you do this? By understanding their preferences and conducting thorough market research! And don’t worry, we’ll discuss a comprehensive guide on how to conduct perfect market research just for you.

Firstly, let’s talk about identifying your target market since we need to know who these people are before we can create products they’ll love. People can take help by conducting a market analysis to better formulate marketing strategies.

You must get inside their head by understanding their demographics, behavior, buying patterns, and preferences so you can create a tailored product that speaks directly to them!

market analysis, market analysis, RFC, specific group, product aimed

Now that you know who your target market is let’s gather more information from them using surveys and focus groups. Surveys allow us to collect large amounts of data efficiently while focus groups help us gain deeper insights into our target audience’s attitudes and motivations.

But wait… Before launching any new product, market segment or brand strategy ask yourselves some questions first like ‘who are our direct competitors?’, ‘what gaps in the market are there?’ or ‘is there any area where we can differentiate ourselves?’. Getting answers through analyzing what others in the industry provides an edge against competition & helps you make unique differentiators for your offering.

Analytics provide invaluable insights into understanding consumer behaviors online such as tracking website traffic, social media engagement rates & helping us understand what kind of content resonates with interested users associated with our brand.

We’re almost done! Don’t forget testing products through beta tests & focus groups provides valuable feedback regarding user experience.

competitors positioning, RFC, target market, market analysis,market segment


Finally… remember that market research isn’t just something you do once; it’s an ongoing process which needs continuous monitoring & adaptation based on changing trends!

Keep up-to-date with shifts in market saturation and consumer behavior, and always be flexible to change your product accordingly couldn’t agree more. This strategy ensures business growth by reducing risk through creating products that target your audience’s wants & needs.

At Ruskin Felix Consulting, we’ll help you devise a strategy which will help you get a strong start in the highly competitive market and make a business plan nobody else has thought of.

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business process management, business process, management processes, business process automation, particular business goal

Improving Business Processes

business process management, business process, management processes, business process automation, particular business goal


Business process refer to correlated tasks and activities that are carried out by employees or company systems to achieve a particular business function or objective. They may be involving technology, people, or both, and can be either informal or formal.

Business process usually have a specific workflow or series of steps that reach the end goal. These business functions are essential in ensuring that the company’s operations are running smoothly and efficiently or not.  Examples of some business process can be inventory management, sales forecasting, marketing campaigns, financial reporting, etc.

Importance of assessing and improving business processes

Before learning how to assess and improve business process, let us know why it is important in a corporate setup.

Efficiency and productivity

Companies can streamline their operations, eliminate roadblocks, and help reduce the waste of resources by analyzing and upgrading their business activities. This helps the companies achieve greater efficiency and productivity, optimization of resources, reduction in costs, and ultimately increase profitability. 

Customer satisfaction

Another advantage of assessment and improvement of business operations can be companies provide better and improved customer service. This is crucial in today’s highly competitive and cut-throat environment. By rationalizing processes, firms can reduce their response times, improve accuracy, enhance user experience, and enjoy higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

business process management, business process, business process monitoring, human resources

Compliance and risk management

Streamlining your company’s processes can help you identify and mitigate compliance risks, avoid unnecessary fines or penalties, and maintain the confidence and trust of customers and other stakeholders.

Innovation and agility

Doing this can also help companies create a more agile and innovative culture that is better equipped with new technologies and is ready to embrace new business models and opportunities. Innovation in the company helps remove rigidity and inflexibility to market conditions.

Employee engagement and retention

If companies are aware of where they are lacking, they can provide employees with the tools, resources, and training they will need to perform their jobs efficiently. By this, organizations can create a more engaged and motivated workforce leading to higher levels of employee satisfaction and retention.

Steps for assessing business processes

business process, existing processes, human resources, operational processes, good business process

Identify Key Business Process

Figuring out which business processes are critical to your organization is the first step in the assessment of your business. Companies should identify and define the scope of each of these critical processes. To identify key business process, it is important to understand how the organization works currently and then map out the steps involved in a particular process through a business process analysis (BPA). This will involve identifying the inputs and outputs in each step and evaluating their effectiveness.

Once you are done with the identification and defining of the scope, start to prioritize the activities based on their importance to your organization. Focus on the ones that are core to your business and have a direct impact on the customers. Also, identify key performance metrics for each process to evaluate its effectiveness.

For example, if you are looking at the order fulfillment process, you might measure the time it takes to process orders, the number of orders that are shipped on time, or the percentage of orders with errors.

Document Current Processes

Once you have recognized your key business process, their scope, and their key performance metrics, the next step is to document the current processes. This can be done by gathering information on the processes like process inputs, outputs, tasks, and responsibilities from the stakeholders who are involved in the process. Use the information to create a process map which is a visual representation of a process outlining the steps and activities in the process.

Once you have created the process map, validate it with stakeholders to ensure that it accurately reflects the current process. Make any necessary changes based on the feedback received. Then, collect data on the process performance such as cycle times, lead times, error rates, and other relevant metrics, and use it to evaluate the performance of the current business process mapping.

business process, existing processes, primary processes, support processes, analytics

Analyse and Identify Improvement Opportunities

Look for inefficiencies, bottlenecks, delays, roadblocks, or other issues that are impacting the process’s performance and identify areas where the process is inefficient and areas where there is a scope for improvement.

Once you have recognized these areas, you can then analyze the root cause of the inefficiencies to determine the best course of action. Based on this whole analysis, improvement opportunities like business process reengineering, redesign, automation, or other changes to streamline the process, can be identified.

Evaluate each opportunity and determine the potential impact on your firm and its operations. You can then move forward and develop an action plan that outlines the steps required to implement the identified improvements. Assign responsibilities and timelines to ensure that it is executed effectively.

Steps for Improving Business Process

business function, continuous improvement, labor division, new process, systematic approach

Redesigning Process

Once you have assessed your business process, and identified inefficiencies and improvement opportunities for the current operations of the firm, the next step is the redesigning process. This involves analyzing the data that you have collected and identifying the most effective changes that can be made to the process. Brainstorm ideas and come up with potential solutions to optimize current processes and develop new process maps.

Once you have developed the new process maps, the next step is to implement and test the new processes. This will require providing training to your staff on the new processes and conducting tests to ensure that they work seamlessly. By this, you can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and also engage your workforce in supporting processes.

Automating Processes

Companies can improve their performance a lot by automating business processes through the use of technology. Start by determining which processes can be automated. It can include tasks like data entry, report generation, or customer service queries. Once you have identified the processes that can be automated, evaluate different automation solutions, like different software, robotic process automation (RPA), or different artificial intelligence (AI) tools.

Using these solutions can help the employees of the company focus on more strategic work rather than repetitive and time-consuming tasks which can then be automated. This can increase the firm’s productivity, and efficiency improves cost-effectiveness and overall performance of a successful business.

Improve Continuously

After automating your processes, it is essential to monitor process performance to ensure that your business continues to operate effectively over time. Monitor the key performance metrics that you decided on in the first step of the assessment. These KPIs provide targets and milestones through which you can gauge processes and insights that can help make better organizational decisions and automate business processes.

To do this, it’s important to collect feedback from both employees and customers which can help you identify areas where problems exist with operational processes and where the process is not meeting customer needs. You can make ongoing improvements to ensure that your processes continue to align with the needs of your customers and also your business goal. By doing so, you can foster a creative and collaborative culture internally alongside enhancing customer satisfaction over the long term.

Tools for Assessing and Improving Business Processes

individual workers, large organizations, computer based, process, procedures, business process

Below we have listed three options out of the tons of tools and software that can be used for business process assessment and business process improvement too.

Process Mapping and Modelling Software

This is a tool that allows you to visually represent your business processes in a graphical format. It helps you to identify the steps in the process, the inputs and outputs, and the flow of everything within the process. Process mapping and modeling software can help you to identify capabilities and obstacles in your processes and to develop solutions to improve them. Popular examples of process mapping and modeling software are LucidChart, GitMind, Edraw, etc.

Lean Six Sigma Methodologies

This is a set of methodologies that focuses on improving the firm’s quality of work and efficiency of business processes. It combines two powerful tools – Lean and Six Sigma – to point out and eliminate waste in processes and then reduce defects and errors.

It involves a structured approach to problem-solving and process improvement with the use of data and statistical analysis to identify the root cause of problems. These two tools can help you streamline your business processes and improve brand performance while reducing costs.

Business Process Management (BPM) Software

BPM software is a tool that helps you to manage and automate your business processes. It allows you to create, model, and analyze your processes, and pick out areas where improvements can be made or are necessary. BPM software can help you to optimize your processes and make them efficient and cost-effective. It also allows you to monitor and track your processes in real time, giving you greater visibility into your operations.


HEFLO is a cloud-based software designed for Business Process Management (BPM) that supports users in modeling, managing and automating all business processes. This software comes with several features such as business rules management, process analysis, communication, lifecycle management and process modeling and design support.


The most user-friendly BPM product available is Kissflow. An automated business process can be created in minutes by anyone familiar with how it should function.

enterprise, benefits, organizations, procedures, resources, value, business process


Appian has been a prominent name in the world of high-end low-code BPM processing for a considerable time providing users with a wide range of tools to create and automate various programs and processes.


SAP Signavio Process Intelligence is an essential tool for enterprises seeking to improve their process analysis and operational efficiency. The software accomplishes this by identifying bottlenecks and recommending ways to enhance processes. Companies can also gain value from monitoring and analyzing historical or real-time processes using SAP Signavio Process Intelligence.


ProcessMaker is an excellent option for individuals who are more inclined towards data analysis than other BPM solutions. It comes with customizable dashlets that users can design to display specific reporting metrics related to their operations. Moreover, it has an Employee Efficiency report that allows businesses to identify which employees are efficient in completing tasks and which are causing delays.


benefits, enterprise, organizations, systems, tasks, activities required, business

To summarise, assessing and improving business processes is critical for any organization seeking to gain a competitive advantage and meet customer demands and expectations. Streamlining your management processes and operations can help you not only make more money but also improve your company’s work culture and quality of work. It can assist you in achieving organizational goals and allowing the company to grow at all levels.

We at Ruskin Felix Consulting help clients generate long-term value for all stakeholders. We help clients transform, grow and operate while fostering trust through assurance with our services and solutions. Please feel free to contact us at

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project management, collaborative environment, business relationships, business collaboration

Benefits of Collaborative Business Relationships

project management, collaborative environment, business relationships, business collaboration


In the present-day rapidly evolving business landscape, collaboration plays a crucial role in attaining success. Whether it’s with coworkers, associates, or customers, having the capacity to collaborate proficiently can be the deciding factor in achieving your objectives. To foster a collaborative business atmosphere, it is imperative to comprehend each other’s objectives, establish communication and trust, clarify expectations and duties, pursue mutually beneficial resolutions, monitor progress and adapt, celebrate accomplishments together, and evaluate and enhance the relationship.

This article discusses each of these elements in greater detail and provides recommendations for creating a collaborative business ecosystem that stimulates increased productivity, innovation, and success.


collaborative environment, business relationships, business collaboration, effective collaboration

Understand each other’s goals 

To establish a collaborative business setting, the initial step is to comprehend each other’s objectives. This requires investing time in actively listening to and comprehending each other’s motivations and ambitions. By understanding what motivates your clients, coworkers or associates, you can work collaboratively to attain a shared objective more efficiently. It is important to acknowledge that not everyone may have identical goals; nonetheless, finding common ground is pivotal to creating a successful collaboration.

Build trust and communication 

Establishing trust and fostering communication are critical components of any fruitful partnership. It entails being transparent and truthful with one another, freely exchanging information, and being sensitive to each other’s requirements. Trusting your colleagues or associates increases the likelihood of a harmonious working relationship and achieving shared objectives. Effective communication plays a vital role in cultivating trust effective business collaboration, necessitating active listening, inquiring, and giving feedback.

Clarify expectations and responsibilities 

Another crucial phase in establishing a more collaborative work environment atmosphere is clarifying expectations and duties. This entails establishing clear goals and expectations for the collaboration and describing the responsibilities and roles of each individual involved. When everyone comprehends what is anticipated of them, working together becomes more manageable and misunderstandings can be avoided. It’s also important to remain adaptable and willing to modify expectations and responsibilities when necessary.

business relationship, business collaboration, effective business collaboration, clients, communication

Seek win-win solutions 

Successful collaboration involves identifying solutions that are beneficial for all parties involved. By striving for mutually beneficial outcomes, you increase the likelihood of achieving success and forging robust relationships. This means being willing to make compromises, discovering shared interests, and collaborating to identify solutions that fulfill everyone’s requirements. It’s critical to bear in mind that effective collaboration is not about one person or group winning at the expense of another, but rather about identifying solutions that work for everyone.

Track progress and make adjustments 

Monitoring your team’s progress and identifying any potential issues or obstacles are essential in working effectively with others. You can use tools like feedback surveys, project management software, or regular meetings to keep track of your goals and tasks. If something is not working, be flexible and willing to change your approach or strategy.

collaboration tools, business collaboration, collaborative work environment, collaborative effort

Celebrate success together 

When you achieve a milestone or complete a project, don’t forget to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of your team members. You can celebrate your success by sharing positive feedback, giving rewards or recognition, or having a fun activity together. This will boost your team’s morale and motivation and strengthen your business relationship too.

Evaluate and refine the relationship 

After collaborating with others, it’s crucial to take time to reflect on the experience and identify areas for improvement. This can involve asking and providing constructive feedback, discussing lessons learned and suggesting ways to enhance future collaboration. By doing so, you can develop as a professional and establish trust and respect with your colleagues and teams.


business collaboration, collaborative work environment, collaborative working, instant messaging

Increased revenue

Collaborating with others allows you to pool your strengths and expand your capabilities, which in turn benefits in increased customer value and strong business relationships that can generate more income.

Improved customer service

Customers’ satisfaction and loyalty will rise because of the improved solutions and assistance they receive from collaboration tools. Customer feedback and insights can help you refine and enhance your offerings.

Increased market share

Collaboration can help you expand your reach and access new markets or segments. You can partner with other businesses or organizations that have complementary offerings or expertise and create synergies that benefit both parties.

relationship building efforts, instant messaging, relevant stakeholders, knowledge sharing

Increased innovation

Collaboration can foster a culture of creativity and experimentation. You can share ideas, perspectives, and experiences with others and generate new and novel ways of doing things. You can also learn from each other and adopt best practices or technologies.

Cost savings

Collaboration can reduce your expenses and increase your efficiency. You can share the costs and risks of developing new products or services, or use existing resources or infrastructure more effectively. You can also avoid duplication or waste of time and effort.

internal collaboration, collaborative culture, satisfied customers, sales teams, customer data

Improved efficiency

Collaboration can streamline your processes and workflows, you can coordinate your actions and communicate clearly with others to avoid confusion or misunderstandings. You can also delegate tasks and responsibilities according to your strengths, knowledge and capabilities.

Improved problem-solving

Collaboration can enhance your ability to solve complex or challenging problems. You can tap into the collective intelligence and experience of your team and find better solutions or solve problems faster. You can also support each other and overcome obstacles or difficulties together.


business collaboration, internal collaboration, company culture, team members, skills, effectiveness

Strategic alliances

Strategic alliances refer to collaborations between two or more enterprises that pool their resources and expertise towards a common goal or objective. These partnerships can take various forms including formal and informal arrangements and may encompass business collaboration, co-creation, co-marketing, co-branding or co-selling initiatives.

Portfolio of collaborators

Business networks are composed of multiple collaborators who work with a company on various projects or initiatives. These collaborators can be either internal or external and may include customers, suppliers, competitors, business partners, or other stakeholders. These networks enable businesses to tap into a wide range of skills and expertise, facilitating adaptation to changing circumstances and opportunities.

Joint Ventures

Joint ventures are separate entities created by two or more businesses that pool their assets and resources to pursue a specific opportunity or market. They can be temporary or permanent and can involve shared ownership, governance, and management. They enable a business to enter new markets or sectors, share risks and costs and leverage synergies.

focus, collaborate, communication, resources, achieve, clients, social media, businesses

Innovation Networks

Innovation networks are groups of businesses that collaborate to generate and implement new ideas or solutions. They can be open or closed and can involve research and development, prototyping, testing or scaling. They foster a culture of innovation and learning and accelerate the innovation process.

Partner ecosystems

Partner ecosystems are platforms that connect a business with its partners and enable them to interact and exchange value. They can be digital or physical and can involve data sharing, service integration, or co-delivery. They enhance the customer experience and create network effects.

shared workspaces, new technologies, increased productivity, collaboration, top management

Licensing and Franchising

Licensing and Franchising are agreements that allow a business to grant another business the right to use its intellectual property, brand, or business model in exchange for a fee or royalty. They can be exclusive or non-exclusive and can involve quality control, training, or support. They expand the reach and visibility of a business and generate recurring revenue.

Supplier or Customer Collaboration

These are relationships that companies or a business establishes with its suppliers or customers to improve its operations or offerings. They can be transactional or relational and can involve information sharing, joint planning, co-designing or co-production. They improve efficiency and quality and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

fresh perspectives, video conferencing, remote workers, build relationships, potential customers


Collaborative business relationships are becoming more important and prevalent in today’s dynamic and competitive environment. They can offer many benefits to businesses of all sizes and sectors such as increased revenue, improved customer service, expanded market share, enhanced innovation, reduced costs, improved efficiency and better problem-solving.

However, to achieve these benefits, businesses need to choose the right type of collaboration for their goals and needs and manage their collaborative relationships both effectively and ethically. By doing so they can create value for themselves and their partners and ultimately for their customers and society.

We at Ruskin Felix Consulting help clients generate long-term value for all stakeholders. We offer wide range of consultancy services that also includes consulting on potential collaborations for your business. Please feel free to contact us at

Benefits of Collaborative Business Relationships Read More »

Global economy, economic growth, world trade, national economies, foreign direct investment

Impact of Globalization on Business Strategy

Global economy, economic growth, world trade, national economies, foreign direct investment


Globalization pertains to the amalgamation of economies and societies across the globe. This phenomenon has been a significant force that has influenced the world as we know it today. The emergence of new opportunities and challenges brought forth by globalization has significantly affected the methods of businesses administration, prompting them to adopt various strategic approaches. In this article, we shall delve into the impact of globalization on the business strategy.

international cooperation, united nations, global business, financial globalization, global business

Globalization has greatly impacted business strategy by giving rise to multinational corporations (MNCs), which are companies that operate in multiple countries and regions. These corporations have devised intricate approaches to managing their global operations, using their vast size and scale to their advantage by securing favorable deals with suppliers and customers.

Additionally, they heavily invest in research and development to create innovative products and services that can be marketed worldwide.

global economy, economic growth, world trade, national economies, other countries, many countries

The emergence of globalization has brought about new challenges for businesses to manage their workforce. As companies extend their reach into new markets they must recruit and train employees with varying skills and cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, they must oversee their workforce across different countries and regions, all while adhering to local labor laws and regulations.


global economy, international monetary fund, global business, financial globalization, strategic direction

Increase in market opportunities and economic growth

Globalization has had a major favorable impact on business strategy by widening the range of market opportunities. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, businesses can broaden their operations into fresh markets, exploring new sources of demand and revenue.

This grants them the ability to decrease their dependence on local markets, expand their customer base, and make themselves less vulnerable to economic downturns in any single region.

technological advances, poor countries, create demand, many businesses, more customers, living standards

Access to a larger customer base

Globalization has also facilitated a positive impact on business strategy by granting access to a wider customer base. Businesses can now connect with customers across different countries and regions more effortlessly, courtesy of the expansion of e-commerce and digital marketing which has resulted in new revenue streams for companies, boosting their growth and profitability.

global business, global economy, global strategy, international trade, national borders, goods and services

Access to cheaper labor and resources

Globalization has simplified the process for companies to access less expensive labor and resources in various parts of the world allowing them to cut down their expenses, enhance their profitability, and provide more economical prices to their customers.

By utilizing global supply chains, companies can also avail a broader spectrum of materials and components, empowering them to be inventive and develop new products and services.

Improved technological advancements

Globalization has also brought about a favorable impact on business strategy by fostering technological advancements. As businesses contend in a global market, they are compelled to invent and better their products and services to remain ahead of the competition. This has resulted in notable improvements in technology, simplifying communication, collaboration, and operation for companies across different regions of the world.

global economy, other countries, global business, international trade, global strategy

Increased competitive advantage and innovation

Lastly, globalization has led to increased competition and innovation in the business domain. As companies branch out into new markets, they encounter increased competition from local and global competitors, compelling them to invent and better their products and services to maintain their edge.

This has spurred the development of fresh business models, such as outsourcing and offshoring, as well as the creation of new products and services that cater to diverse customer demands in different markets.


financial institutions, world economies, global phenomenon, foreign markets, developing countries

Increased competition and market saturation

E-commerce and global trade agreements has led to businesses now competing with companies from all corners of the world. This has resulted in a oversaturation of the market, making it difficult for small and medium-sized businesses to compete with larger corporations that possess more resources.

Exploitation of workers and resources

In a bid to decrease expenses and hike profits, companies frequently resort to countries with lower labor costs and weaker environmental regulations. This has resulted in the exploitation of workers, particularly in developing countries where labor laws are feeble, and resources are cheaply available.

open global market, business leader, trade liberalization, strategic thinking, developing world

Loss of local identity and culture

As multinational corporations spread their operations worldwide, they often homogenize the local cultures and customs, replacing them with a global brand identity, resulting in the loss of diversity and cultural richness especially in smaller, less developed nations.

Displacement of jobs

As companies seek to cut expenses they frequently outsource employment to other countries where labor is less costly. This has resulted in the job losses in specific industries, particularly in manufacturing and IT in developed nations.

financial stability, other countries, developing economies, domestic industries, business goals

Greater dependence on global supply chains

Globalization has increased reliance on global supply chains. As businesses aim to decrease costs, they often acquire materials and components from other nations, forming intricate global supply chains.

This can leave companies exposed to disturbances in the global supply chain, such as natural disasters or political instability, which can disrupt production and result in substantial losses.


open markets, goods and services, developing countries, world bank, trade barriers, pricing strategies

The impact of culture on business practices and operations

Culture plays a significant role in business practices and operations. For example, different cultures have different expectations of business relationships, communication styles, and negotiation tactics. Ignoring these cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, ultimately affecting the success of business operations.

The importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding

Businesses that exhibit cultural sensitivity and understanding have a greater chance of establishing strong connections with customers and employees from diverse cultures. They are also more likely to grasp the specific needs and expectations of different cultures and adapt their business strategies accordingly.

foreign affairs, fiscal policies, cross border trade, foreign goods, swot analysis, business activities

Strategies for effective cross-cultural communication

Companies must overcome language barriers and ensure clear and concise communication. To achieve this, businesses may provide language training to their employees, use interpreters or translation services, and adjust communication styles to suit different cultures.

By doing so, businesses can avoid misunderstandings, build better relationships with employees and customers, and enhance their reputation in the global market.

The benefits of embracing cultural diversity

Companies that welcome cultural diversity can attract a broader range of employees, bringing innovative ideas and different viewpoints to the company. Moreover, such companies can establish stronger connections with customers from diverse cultures which can give them a competitive edge in the global marketplace.


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Numerous trends and forecasts are molding the future of globalization. The expanding use of technology and digital platforms in commercial dealings is one of these trends. Another significant trend is the rise of emerging markets that are anticipated to become key players in the worldwide marketplace.

Furthermore, it is predicted that there will be a increasing focus on regionalization, as nations strive to form stronger economic links with their neighboring countries.

The role of innovation in business strategy

To stay ahead of their rivals, companies must continually introduce new ideas and adjust to shifting market conditions. Such innovation can entail creating new products and services, enhancing existing processes, or embracing new technologies to boost productivity and efficiency.

advanced economies, technological progress, global system, cultural practices, multiple countries

Importance of sustainability in global economy and business practices

Sustainability is gaining prominence as a critical aspect of global business practices. Consumers and investors are becoming more environmentally aware compelling companies to contemplate the ecological implications of their operations and products.

To achieve this, they may need to implement sustainable practices, reduce waste and emissions, and generate eco-friendly products.

Strategies for adapting to changing global markets

For businesses operating in the global marketplace, the ability to adjust to evolving market conditions is crucial for success. This can include formulating tactics to penetrate new markets, accommodating shifting consumer demands and preferences, and establishing relationships with local partners and suppliers.


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In conclusion, the future of globalization and business strategy is continuously transforming, driven by a diverse set of trends and predictions. The significance of innovation and sustainability is rising, and companies must devise strategies to adjust to changing global markets.

By keeping ahead of the competition and implementing sustainable practices companies can prosper in the global marketplace, attaining sustained growth and success in the long term.

We at Ruskin Felix Consulting help clients generate long-term value for all stakeholders. We help clients transform, grow and operate while fostering trust through assurance with our services and solutions. Please feel free to contact us at

Impact of Globalization on Business Strategy Read More »

Customer experience, business customers, customer experience management, customer behavior

Explaining Customer-Centric Business Models

Customer experience, business customers, customer experience management, customer behavior


What is a customer-centric business model?

A customer-centric business model is a strategic approach in which a company aims to prioritize its customers’ needs and preferences which involves understanding and anticipating customers’ needs, creating products and services that cater to those needs and providing an exceptional customer experience. Customer-centric businesses focus on building long-term relationships with their customers by providing personalized customer experiences and continuously engaging with them.

Importance of customer-centricity in business

Customer experience, customer experience management, customer's perspective, purchasing agents

Here are some reasons why customer-centricity is important for businesses

Increased customer loyalty

By prioritizing the needs and preferences of customers businesses can build long-lasting relationships with them. Loyal customers tend to repeat purchases and are more likely to recommend a business to their friends and family.

Better customer experience

When businesses focus on providing an exceptional customer experience it can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty which can result in positive word-of-mouth marketing and an increase in sales.

customers experience, customers, positive experience, multiple departments, customer information

Higher profitability

Customer-centric businesses are expected to be more profitable as they are better able to anticipate customers’ needs and preferences, create products and services that cater to those needs and price them appropriately.

Improved brand reputation

A business that places the needs and desires of its customers at the forefront of its operations is exceedingly probable to be perceived in a favorable light by both its clientele and the larger community ultimately resulting in augmented brand recognition, heightened patron devotion and amplified revenue streams.

Components of a Customer-centric business model

customer experience, customer base, entire journey, new customers, digital channels, quality

Key components of a customer-centric business model are as follows:

Customer focus

To succeed, a business needs to comprehend its customers’ requirements, inclinations and actions. Achieving this necessitates leveraging techniques such as market research, customer feedback and data analysis. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of these elements businesses can make informed decisions that result in enhanced offerings, increased customer satisfaction and overall prosperity.

Customer experience

For a business to truly excel in the eyes of its customers it must furnish an unparalleled customer experience that encompasses bespoke interactions, top-tier products and services and prompt responsiveness to customer inquiries. Only by doing so can a business establish a dynamic rapport with its clientele that is conducive to optimal brand loyalty and revenue generation.

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Customer engagement

The business must continuously engage with its customers through various channels i.e., social media, email marketing and loyalty programs.

Employee engagement

The business must ensure that its employees are engaged and motivated to provide excellent customer service which can be achieved through training, recognition programs and a positive company culture.

Data-driven decision-making

The business must use data to make informed decisions about its products, services and to analyze customer experience interactions which can help to identify areas for improvement and optimize the customer experience.

Benefits of a customer-centric business model

brands, point, team, great customer experience, consumers, top priority, employees, customers

There are several benefits to this approach including improved customer satisfaction, increased customer loyalty, higher revenue and profits and better brand reputation and differentiation. Let’s discuss these points in detail.

Improved customer satisfaction

Improved customer satisfaction is one of the most significant benefits of a customer-centric business model. By focusing on the customer’s needs and preferences businesses can tailor their products and services to meet these needs. This leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction and can result in positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

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Increased customer loyalty

Another benefit of a customer-centric business model is increased customer loyalty. If a business shows authentic concern for its customers’ needs, it can foster strong customer loyalty and retain customers. This can translate into repeat business and steady revenue growth over time.

Higher revenue and profits

Implementing a customer-centric business model can yield higher revenues and profits for companies. By designing offerings that align with customers’ requirements businesses can command premium prices and expand their profit margins. Moreover, devoted customers tend to make frequent purchases and refer others to the business resulting in sustained revenue growth.

Better brand reputation and differentiation

Adopting a customer-centric business model can enhance a business’s brand reputation and differentiation. By prioritizing customers’ needs businesses can earn their favor and appreciation, ultimately resulting in a more favorable perception of the brand which can lead to increased brand recognition and differentiation from competitors.

Creating a customer-centric business model

great customer experience, touch points, one point, existing ones, customers

The following are some key steps to creating a customer-centric business model:

Conducting market research

Conducting market research is the first step in creating a customer-centric business model which involves gathering data on customer needs, preferences and behavior. This data can be obtained through surveys, focus groups collecting customer feedback, and online analytics tools.

Developing customer personas

Developing customer personas is the next step in creating a customer-centric business model. Customer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers, based on market research data. By understanding the characteristics, behaviors and needs of your customers you can tailor your products and services to meet their needs.

customer experience, customers, one customer, net promoter score, better understanding

Mapping the customer journey

Mapping the customer journey is another important step in creating a customer-centric business model. This involves identifying each touchpoint that a customer has with your business from initial awareness to post-purchase. By mapping each point in the customer journey, you can identify pain points and opportunities for improvement and tailor the customer experience accordingly.

Fostering a customer-focused culture

Creating a company culture that is focused on customer satisfaction and providing your team of employees with the tools and resources they need to deliver exceptional customer service.

Implementing a customer feedback loop

The last step in establishing a customer-centric business model is to implement a feedback loop that regularly solicits input from customers on their interactions with product or service of the business. This feedback can be used to make improvements to products, services and customer interactions. By consistently refining the customer experience businesses can cultivate enduring customer relationships and achieve sustainable growth and success.

The Role of Customer experience

one customer, product or service, touch point, cx strategy, enjoyable experience

The following are ways in which customer experience management plays a vital role:

Designing customer-centric products and services

Crafting products and services that prioritize customers’ needs is critical to delivering an exceptional customer experience. By gaining insight into customers’ requirements and preferences, businesses and brands can customize their offerings to fulfill those needs, resulting in heightened customer satisfaction, loyalty and revenue.

Providing excellent customer service

Customers expect efficient, timely and personalized service whether it’s through traditional customer service channels or online support. By delivering exceptional customer service, businesses can build strong relationships with their customers resulting in increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

customer experiences, customers find, most companies, customers

Streamlining the customer experience

This involves simplifying the customer journey by reducing unnecessary steps and minimizing customer effort. By streamlining the customer experience businesses can improve customer satisfaction, reduce churn and increase revenue.

Empowering customer service teams

By providing customer service teams with the tools, resources and autonomy they need to solve customer problems businesses can deliver exceptional service and build strong customer relationships which can result in increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth recommendations from new customers.

Measuring and evaluating customer-centricity

customer experiences, service, positive experiences, customer journey, customers

The following are some methods for measuring and evaluating customer-centricity:

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are critical for measuring the success of a customer-centric business model. KPIs can include metrics such as customer acquisition cost, customer retention rate and customer lifetime value. By tracking these KPIs businesses can assess their performance and identify areas for improvement.

Customer satisfaction surveys

Customer satisfaction surveys are another important tool for measuring customer-centricity. By asking customers to provide feedback on their experiences businesses can identify areas for improvement and assess customer satisfaction levels can be used to make strategic decisions and improve the customer’s experience and service.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric that measures customer loyalty and satisfaction. By asking customers to rate their likelihood of recommending a business to a friend or colleague, businesses can assess their customer loyalty and identify areas for improvement. NPS can be a useful tool for benchmarking against competitors and tracking customer satisfaction over time.

Social media monitoring

By monitoring social media channels businesses can identify customer feedback and complaints in real time which can be leveraged to respond to customer inquiries, resolve issues and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Overcoming challenges to customer-centricity

customers, service, companies, challenges, market conditions, one customer

The following are some key challenges and ways to overcome them:

Balancing customer needs with business goals

Balancing customer needs with business goals is essential for creating a customer-centric business model. While it’s essential to prioritize customer needs, businesses must also achieve their business goals such as profitability and growth. By finding a balance between these two objectives businesses can create a customer-centric business model that benefits both customers and the business.

Dealing with difficult customers

Dealing with difficult customers can be a challenge for businesses but it’s essential to maintain a customer-centric approach. By listening to a customer’s complaints and taking steps to address their concerns businesses can turn difficult customers into loyal advocates. This can result in increased customer satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

customers, service, company, customer satisfaction

Managing customer data and privacy

Managing customer data and privacy is another critical challenge for businesses looking to achieve customer-centricity. By collecting and storing customer data safely and securely, businesses can build strong relationships with customers while protecting their privacy. It’s also essential to obtain customer consent for collecting their data and to be transparent about how it will be used.

Ensuring consistency across channels

Ensuring consistency across channels is crucial for delivering a seamless customer experience. Customers expect consistency across all channels whether it’s in-store, online or through customer service. By providing a consistent and positive experience across all channels businesses can create a positive customer experience that leads to increased loyalty and profitability.


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In conclusion, businesses must adopt customer-centric practices to succeed in today’s competitive business landscape. By prioritizing customer needs and creating a positive customer experience businesses can create loyal customers and increase profitability. It’s time for businesses to act and adopt a customer-centric approach to ensure long-term success.

We at Ruskin Felix Consulting, help clients generate long-term value for all stakeholders. We help clients transform, grow and operate while fostering trust through assurance with our services and solutions. Please feel free to contact us at

Explaining Customer-Centric Business Models Read More »

internal and external factors, swot analysis, internal versus external factors, swot analysis example

The Importance of SWOT Analysis

internal and external factors, swot analysis, internal versus external factors, swot analysis example


When it comes to strategic planning, businesses face a daunting task. With so many tools and frameworks available to help them navigate the complex landscape of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats – it can be overwhelming to know where to begin.

But have no fear! One tool stands out among the rest for its popularity and effectiveness – the SWOT analysis.

This powerful tool can help businesses make informed decisions about their future by identifying internal and external factors that could impact their success.

SWOT analysis is all about, how to conduct one and how it can help businesses prioritize actions, stay competitive and facilitate communication and collaboration within their organization.

Strategic planning can be a daunting task for businesses. With so many tools and frameworks available to help identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, it can be hard to know where to start. But fear not! One of the most popular and effective tools for this purpose is the SWOT analysis.

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A tool this powerful can help businesses make informed decisions about their future by identifying internal and external factors that could impact their success.

SWOT analysis is a critical component of strategic planning for any organization. By identifying the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

SWOT analysis focuses on the key internal and external factors that affect the organization’s market position and future operations.

This analytical framework covers everything from the company’s internal resources and human capital to environmental factors, community health, and international events.

Through a SWOT matrix, the planning process can convert weaknesses into competitive advantages and develop strategies to remain competitive in the face of external threats.

In this article, we will explore the importance of SWOT analysis in corporate planning, using recent business news, such as a bus company cutting routes, to illustrate how SWOT analysis questions can guide firms in developing a strategic plan that leverages their internal qualities and tangible assets while navigating external factors and negative elements.

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SWOT analysis is a versatile tool that can be used in a wide range of industries and business contexts. Strengths and weaknesses can then be strategically managed according to future trends.

It is often employed in strategic management and business strategy to help companies identify their internal and external factors and develop a plan that leverages their strengths, mitigates their weaknesses and takes advantage of opportunities while addressing potential threats.

strengths and weaknesses, international funding sources, board members, dimension representing

SWOT analyses typically include both internal and external factors, with internal factors covering everything from the company’s resources and intellectual property to its technical expertise and the population’s physical resources.

By examining both internal and external factors, companies can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their competitive landscape and develop a strategic plan that is tailored to their specific business needs.

There are also many free SWOT analysis templates available online to help businesses get started with this process and ensure that they are considering all relevant factors, including negative factors and internal weaknesses, as well as internal strengths.

swot analysis matrix, RFC, strategic management, company's weaknesses, swot analyses


SWOT analysis is like a secret weapon for businesses. It’s a framework that helps them identify the internal and external factors that could impact their success.

The acronym stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Strengths and weaknesses refer to internal factors – things that are within the business’s control. Opportunities and threats refer to external factors – things outside of the business’s control.

By analyzing these four areas, businesses can gain valuable insights into their current situation and make strategic decisions about their future.


Strengths are like a business’s superpowers. They refer to the positive attributes that give it a competitive advantage. These could be things like a strong brand that everyone recognizes, a loyal customer base that keeps coming back for more, or a unique product or service that no one else offers.


Weaknesses are like a business’s kryptonite. They refer to the negative attributes that could hinder its success. These could be things like a lack of brand recognition (who are you again?), poor customer service (no one likes being on hold for hours), or outdated technology (dial-up internet anyone?).

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Opportunities are like doors just waiting to be opened. They refer to external factors that could help a business achieve its goals. These could be things like new market trends (everyone’s wearing neon now), emerging technologies (hello virtual reality), or changes in consumer behavior (more people are shopping online).


Threats are like storm clouds on the horizon. They refer to external factors that could hinder a business’s success. These could be things like economic downturns (recession anyone?), new competition (there goes the neighborhood), or changing regulations (new rules to follow).

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Now that we know what SWOT analysis is all about, let’s discuss how businesses can conduct one. It’s like going on an adventure – there are several steps involved:

Step 1: Define the Objective

The first step in conducting a SWOT analysis is to define the objective. What is your quest? What are you trying to achieve? Once you have your objective in mind, you can begin your journey by identifying the internal and external attributes that could impact your success.

Step 2: Identify Internal Factors

The next step is to identify your strengths and weaknesses – your superpowers and kryptonite. Bring other team members also in your analysis and formulate a full-proof plan.

This could involve conducting an internal audit of your business – taking stock of what you’re good at and what needs improvement. You could also ask for feedback from your employees, customers, or other stakeholders.

RFC, swot analysis, analysis, business decision

Step 3: Identify External Factors

The third step is to identify your opportunities and threats – doors waiting to be opened and storm clouds on the horizon.

This could involve conducting a market analysis – keeping an eye out for new trends or emerging technologies. You could also research your competition – knowing thy enemy.

Step 4: Analyze the Data

Once you have identified your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats – your superpowers, kryptonite, doors waiting to be opened and storm clouds on the horizon – it’s time to analyze the data.

Look for patterns and trends that could help you make informed decisions about your business. For example- if you notice that your customer satisfaction ratings are consistently low, you may need to invest in improving your customer service.

Step 5: Develop an Action Plan

The final step is to develop an action plan based on your SWOT analysis. This could involve setting specific goals and objectives (like leveling up in a video game), developing a marketing strategy (time to get creative), or investing in new technology (hello virtual reality).

Your action plan should be tailored to your business’s unique strengths and weaknesses.

human resources, population physical resources, pest analysis, swot stands, organization's strengths


Now that we know how to conduct a SWOT analysis, let’s discuss why it’s important in strategic planning.

Helps Prioritize Actions

SWOT analysis is like a compass for businesses. Once they have identified their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats – their superpowers, kryptonite, doors waiting to be opened and storm clouds on the horizon – they can use this information to prioritize their actions.

For example- if a business has identified that its customer service is a weakness (no one likes being on hold for hours), it may prioritize improving customer service over other initiatives.

Provides a Comprehensive View of the Business

SWOT analysis provides a comprehensive view of the business – like seeing it from all angles. It considers both internal and outside factors – things within the business’s control and things outside of its control – which allows businesses to understand how they fit into the broader market.

This understanding can help businesses make informed decisions about their future.

Enables Better Decision-Making

SWOT analysis enables better decision-making – like having all the pieces of a puzzle. By providing a comprehensive view of the business and its external environment – seeing it from all angles – SWOT analysis allows businesses to consider all the factors that could impact their success and make informed decisions about how to move forward.

External forces can help to provide insights into new markets and how to create a policy to infiltrate them.

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Helps Businesses Stay Competitive

SWOT analysis can help businesses stay competitive – like staying ahead in a race. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses – their superpowers and kryptonite – businesses can focus on improving areas where they excel (leveling up) and overcoming areas where they struggle (defeating bosses).

This can help them gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Facilitates Communication and Collaboration

SWOT analysis can facilitate communication and collaboration within a business – like bringing everyone together for a brainstorming session. By involving employees and other stakeholders in the process – getting their input and feedback – businesses can gain valuable insights and perspectives.

This can help foster a culture of collaboration and innovation (two heads are better than one).

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In conclusion, SWOT analysis is like a secret weapon for businesses. It’s a powerful tool that they can use to gain a competitive advantage.

Workplace analytics encompass various tools and techniques that can provide valuable insights into employee behavior, enabling effective management and decision-making.

However, businesses must take appropriate measures to protect individual privacy and ensure ethical and legal compliance.

By using workplace analytics responsibly and transparently, businesses can improve their operations, foster positive employee relations and achieve better outcomes.

analysis, swot analysis, swot analysis,opportunities threats, RFC, business

It helps businesses identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats – their superpowers, kryptonite, doors waiting to be opened and storm clouds on the horizon – which enables them to make informed decisions about their future.

To navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by globalization, management consulting firms must develop tailored change management strategies, build a comprehensive change toolkit, and select appropriate interventions based on the specific context.

By conducting a SWOT analysis, businesses can prioritize their actions (like choosing which quest to go on), stay competitive (like staying ahead in a race) and facilitate communication and collaboration within the organization (like bringing everyone together for a brainstorming session).”

The Importance of SWOT Analysis Read More »

employee engagement, employee engagement strategy, employee retention, measure employee engagement, RFC

Improving Employee Engagement and Retention

employee engagement, employee engagement strategy, employee retention, measure employee engagement, RFC


This new world is a place where we need to find an income source to survive. There are many branches to find an income source. They include- early investing, savings, etc., but the most basic of them all is to find a job. Finding a job and retaining it is a must for surviving.

Any individual who is in his or her middle adulthood would confirm that it is essential for them to find a job. This job could be for a lot of reasons, such as:- a means of financial stability, being independent, settling in a new city and many more.

While some individuals may be fortunate enough to discover career opportunities that they genuinely enjoy and are passionate about, for most people, the job they find may be somewhat less than ideal.

However, working is necessary for both subsistence and advancement in one’s chosen field. Even if you aren’t totally happy with your current job, you can still find joy and satisfaction in accomplishing goals, helping others, building professional relationships, and expanding your skill set.

key drivers, new employees, RFC, therefore retention, engagement survey

To establish professional success, it is required to improve employee retention while simultaneously working to increase employee retention. Employee engagement initiatives are strongly correlated with personal satisfaction and contentment.

The stability of your job and the stability of your family’s finances are two of the numerous ways in which hard effort can improve your quality of life. One’s health and happiness may depend on having a fulfilling career.

Finding the absolute match will be a tedious task, but not an impossible one. Any individual who has a set of clear goals and intentions of what they want, what they plan to do with their life and who can gauge his/ her capabilities will land their dream job.

employee engagement, improve employee engagement, employee feedback, encourage employees, engage employees


The corporate world also works on the same technique ‘jungle’ ideology, which is, survival of the fittest. The company can surpass or fail overnight.

There are plenty of companies and organizations in the market which are providing the same services and products so it can be difficult for us to figure out which one provides the best quality of them.

In the long run, it often comes down to the employees in the company: employee satisfaction is essential to make them last longer in the firm. Employees are the ones doing the actual work for the customers of the company and so it required their employee satisfaction rates are high.

If the company values its employees and the employees value working for the company, they will work together to create a prosperous environment. If employees are satisfied in their roles and committed to their companies, turnover should be low.

New job, RFC, new employees, engagement survey, other employees

Employee engagement is the process of fostering an environment at work where workers feel motivated and equipped to do their best work. This simply means that employee engagement goes beyond simply having a happy or content staff.

Building an engaged workforce includes addressing variables like communication, teamwork and well-being besides paying attention to the satisfaction of the workforce.

Employee retention is an off-shoot of engagement itself. We can consider that employee retention means the company’s ability to convert this employee engagement into a successful measure to retain any employee.

The goal of the employee engagement strategy is to increase engagement by coordinating with employee retention initiatives.

engagement survey, RFC, new job, new employees, new hires, team meetings

These two factors are utilized by managers and peers in any organization while they create strategies and plans on how to retain employees and increase engagement. Employing talent management to reach this goal is an essential step to achieving this.

By establishing a motivated and engaged workforce, improved people management is a tried-and-tested method of implementing employee engagement and retention tactics.

Effective talent management and enthusiastic participation from workers are two tools utilized by many prosperous businesses to maintain their staff.

Over 90% of the employees believe that on effective execution of employee engagement, their overall general well-being would be increased. In comparison to their less-motivated competitors, engaged workers exhibit higher levels of energy and curiosity.

new hires, new job, RFC, new employees, top talent

Engaged employees care more about their jobs, are more driven and are known to go above and beyond what is expected of them to support the organization’s survival, engagement has grown in importance among scholars.

It is anticipated of workers who are involved in their work and satisfied with their careers will also be content in their personal lives. Make sure to boost employee engagement and retention while trying to increase employee engagement.

Furthermore, job satisfaction is seen as an alternative to one’s presumed quality of work life, making it a crucial measure for evaluating a person’s career as a whole. There is a lot of ambiguity and complexity in today’s workplaces.

Only people who are optimistic, joyful, and very adaptable will succeed in such a competitive work environment. After collecting the employee engagement data, make sure to bring in the changes required to ensure higher employee retention and engaged employee.

RFC, employee engagement strategy, employee engagement and retention, engaged employee, employee turnover

Experts say that talent retention is necessary for the organization to flourish. Talent retention is the process of keeping personnel on board with the company for an extended time. Encourage employees to follow the company culture and provide suggestions for improvement via the employee feedback mechanism.

Employee turnover occurs when an employee leaves your organization. This can be for any reason, including quitting for better opportunities, retirement, or termination. An employee turnover rate accounts for the number of employees who leave your organization in a specific period.

To keep new staff around for the long haul, most companies invest in their training and professional development. To keep valuable personnel around, it’s important to create and implement strategies that stimulate interest in their work.

An engaged worker supports the organization’s goals and values. However, a disengaged worker may be “coasting” on minimal effort or actively acting against the company’s aims and reputation. It stands to reason that a business with a “high” level of employee engagement would do better than one with a “low” level of engagement.

improve employee engagement, improve employee retention, employee engagement strategy, employee engagement solutions, reduce employee turnover


One of the most significant markers of job satisfaction is the level of employee involvement. Employees today want to be involved in their work, enthused about the business they work for, have a sense of belonging and be granted flexibility around scheduling and location.

When employees go the extra mile when none of them have specifically told to do so, this means the employee is engaged with the organization. This also creates a more united relationship between the employees and its customers.

It also adds up to better customer service and that means higher turnover and profit for the company. Simply, engaged employees make the organization work effortlessly and soundly.

Spending energy and resources on finding and employing new workers will have a clear effect on your company’s financial success. If a manager or professional is lost, the company might lose up to 18 months of compensation, whereas if an hourly worker is lost, the company could lose up to 6 months of salary.

employee retention strategies, RFC, improve employee engagement, employee engagement, increase employee retention

This highlights the significance of creating an environment where employees feel valued and therefore more inclined to stick around and contribute to the company’s success.

Employee engagement is not only related to the domain of the employee to stay in the firm, but it also compiles other things, such as employee experience and satisfaction- which is a compilation of the entire journey of the employee, from start to end of his/her life in the organization.

In the ever-evolving journey of the employee in the organization it is inevitable for them to stay in the same position their entire life and hence, for them to evolve and grow, they shift from one firm to another. This is a normality for these employees but can do a lot of damage to the organization.

In the long term, businesses will save both time and money if they can hang on to their best employees rather than constantly searching for replacements. The company needs to hold on to its regular staff if it wants to thrive.

employee engagement important, engagement efforts, flexible work arrangements, retention strategy, positive company culture


The employee engagement domain is constituted of:

Cognitive engagement:

a metric for assessing the level of focus displayed by the worker. When an employee is “engaged,” they give their whole attention to their work. As an example of this- consider how dedicated they are to their work and how little distraction they seem to experience while doing it.

Emotional engagement:

The amount of concentration and diligence the employee is constituted of needs to be increased after a certain point in time. They need to be engrossed in their work and shouldn’t be easily distracted. For this to take place, these employees need to share an empathetic connection with their firm.

employee retention strategies, RFC, employee satisfaction, employee engagement and retention

Physical engagement:

Employees should have a mindset that makes them willing to take extra efforts not only concerning the organization but also to take some time out for themselves. Focusing on oneself can also lead to finding a creative solution to any problem, a better understanding of concepts and putting in extra effort when it’s not required.


If employees would recommend the company to their friends and family for either doing business with or applying for a position. What employees say about the company when they’re not on the clock is telling. Does the individual seem to take pride in working for the organization they are now employed by? To what extent can they relate to it, to the point where they talk about “we” rather than “them”?

comprehensive onboarding program, experienced employees, career growth, positive company culture, engagement survey, existing employees,


Employee retention

It is quite logical that engaged employees will feel motivated to stay with the organization for long periods and work for their employers. Organizations with high levels of employee engagement reduce turnover and hiring costs because engaged workers are less likely to leave their positions.

To retain quality workers in the organization and make them part of the family for a long time, it is necessary for making them feel that they belong here. Disengaged employees are more likely to leave their jobs.

Employee productivity

Workers produce high-quality work and show more devotion toward their work when they feel they are more engaged.

According to a study conducted by the Workplace Research Foundation, an engaged workforce is 38% more likely to achieve above-average output.

employee engagement strategy, employee engagement, employee engagement and retention, employee turnover

Increased profitability

Employee engagement is directly proportional to the increased monetary value of the organization and also the employee. What else it would take to convince upper management of the value of employee engagement techniques and get them to put them into action?

Less burnout and better mental wellness

It’s about time that companies started paying attention to issues like employee exhaustion and mental wellness. An enhanced employee experience and higher levels of employee engagement are the results of a well-supported workplace wellness program.

Reduction in absenteeism

Take notes if the employee is frequently taking leaves because if he is, that means he might be weary from his work.

You may need to make adjustments to your company’s structure and the working environment if this kind of behavior keeps having a negative effect.

employee comments, mentorship programs, retaining employees, employee morale, RFC, employees leave, key drivers


For any employee to evolve, he not only needs to focus on polishing his organizational skills but also his inter and intra-personal skills. There are various competencies that an employee should incorporate to become better.

Competencies are a group of skills and behaviors that are essential for success in a given position or the company’s culture as a whole. Human resource experts can utilize several tools at their disposal to brainstorm and hone a list of organizational strengths and weaknesses.

Including discussions of these skills in employee interactions like performance reviews, hiring, succession planning, and new hire orientations will help any company get the most out of its employees.

Some of them are:

Tailor training resources to the needs of your staff:

You need a thorough understanding of current employee benchmarks before designing a training program to improve existing skill sets and establish new ones. Managers should be well-versed in the abilities of their staff.

The management must be aware of the whereabouts and transportation needs of its employees. Good goal-setting begins with a thorough annual review that includes precise metrics, rigorous documentation, and careful analysis.

When it comes to training programs, discriminate carefully:

Conduct a preliminary survey throughout the organization to access the capability of the employees and create a training module accordingly. Base your resources according to the results which is the best fit for your organization.

While some modules might seem to be the best-opted option and worth the money but it’s not always the case. Avoid wasting allotted funds on a program that your staff won’t stick with or use.

employee retention, RFC, employee engagement and retention, improve employee engagement

Allow your employees to guide the process:

Simply, not all educational software is made equal. Once you know what kind of training your employees need, you can start looking for resources that are a good fit for the software, culture and environment of your company.

Set clear expectations and document progress:

Managers and employees should use automated systems to track results, see performance variations and set expectations accordingly.

Such an automated system not only increases the feasibility for the employees to simultaneously work on the issues and set new records. They can also make sure that all the company’s policies and regulations are been taken care of.

Managers can very conveniently evaluate outcomes and provide employees with appropriate tools. They can use an employee engagement strategy that is based on employee engagement research and improve the workplace culture.

competitive compensation, key performance indicators, employee lifecycle, better business outcomes, employee engagement


Employee engagement measures how employees feel about their entire organization. Based on their perceptions of their workplace, employee engagement profiles can be understood and competencies can be modified according to their needs.

Some of them are:

Highly engaged employees

These types of employees hold the organization in high regard. Involved employees are more loyal and willing to go the extra mile for the success of the organization.

These employees brag to their loved ones about how much they like working at the organization. With this kind of support, team members might feel more comfortable giving their all.

Moderately engaged employees

Their participation is 50-50. They can access the company’s near future and see themselves in a new light and a new position but they don’t come forth asking for new opportunities and endeavor to outperform themselves.

They want to give 100%, but they can’t because of the company or their role.

employee retention strategies, employee engagement and retention, employee feedback, RFC

Barely interested employees

Those who are only half interested in their task aren’t giving it their all. They care little about their jobs and will do whatever to keep from going under.

Businesses that don’t work to keep their workers interested are more likely to lose them.

Disengaged employees

Disengaged employees view their workplace in a negative light. They are disengaged from the assignments, goals and future of the organization. They fall short of the commitment to their caliber and responsibilities.

It’s important to understand how to handle disengaged employees so that their negative perceptions don’t impact the productivity of employees around them.

This variation of the hierarchy reflects employee engagement level as determined by how well their needs are being met.

employee engagement, employee retention, employee engagement strategy, company culture, workplace culture


In today’s fast-paced world, strategies to keep employees engaged have garnered a lot of attention. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies that organizations can use to foster employee engagement.

Regular Communication and Feedback:

One of the key strategies for keeping employees engaged is through regular communication and feedback. Employees want to feel heard and valued, so ensuring that they have a say in important decisions through feedback mechanisms is crucial.

Offering ample opportunities for employees to provide feedback helps employees feel that their voices are heard and fosters a culture of transparency and communication.

Recognition and Rewards:

The next process you can do is to introduce a reward and appraisal system in your process. Recognizing and praising others for their efforts, no matter how big or small might inspire them to keep up the great work they’ve been doing.

A person’s help is valued equally regardless of how big or small their contribution is.

employee engagement, RFC, employee engagement and retention, employee turnover

Professional Development and Training

Professional development and training are yet another way to keep employees engaged. Employees want to be tested and grow in their roles so by offering training and development modules.

After measuring employee engagement, companies can help their workers acquire new skills, learn about new topics and maybe even, grow financial success for the business.

Empowering Employees

Giving employees more responsibility is one strategy used by many businesses. When employees are given more freedom and responsibility, they rise to the occasion and show greater dedication to their jobs and the success of the company as a whole.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

Promotion is also an integral part of the policy of the organization. Employees who feel they can uphold a healthy work-life balance are more likely to be engaged in their work and enthusiastic about their jobs with a more than normal rate of deriving satisfaction from their work.

employee experience, retention strategy employee retention, other employees, organizational success, direct supervisors


Without employees, there would be no organization. So, instead leaving them during difficult times is not an appropriate measure rather they would just focus on getting quality and skilled labor.

Many businesses kept hiring even as the pandemic spread, and many more have ramped up their efforts in recent months.

Onboarding and orientation

Every new employee in the firm would be not be knowing the organization’s values and ideologies. The onboarding process is not only to display what the firm is about but also to make them understand what values it stands for. It should be like a handbook for the new employees on understanding how to thrive in it.

This first step is crucial, so don’t skip it. The in-person or digital onboarding process sets the stage for the employee’s whole tenure with your organization.

Employee compensation

Companies need to periodically assess pay to ensure they are competitive in the market. If your company is unable to boost salaries at the moment, think about other forms of compensation, such as bonuses.

Also, be sure to offer excellent retirement and health care programs.

Wellness offerings

Taking care of one’s employees’ mental, bodily, and financial well-being is a sound business strategy. Many leading corporations boosted and improved their wellness initiatives to help employees feel supported and to make their health a priority throughout the pandemic.

Providing stress management classes, retirement planning advice, and fitness class reimbursement, to mention a few, would go a long way toward making your employees feel valued by your organization.

employee engagement initiatives, higher employee retention, RFC


The new culture of hybrid and remote working has dropped the value of communication within the firm. To make employees feel that they’re an active and important part of the organization, its necessary for these managers to make them feel that they can come to them at any point in time

It is your duty as a leader to make sure that everyone on the team has easy access to timely, useful, and encouraging feedback from you. The workload and happiness of your team members can be determined by checking in with them regularly.

Work-life balance

Finding the perfect balance between your personal and professional life would be the key to getting the job satisfaction you anticipate. Managers should understand and value the life of any employee outside the organization as well.

Workers should be encouraged to take time off and reduce their workload. Extra time off work could be a good way to thank employees who remain late to get a project done.

communicate effectively, new hires, employee experience, employee retention, customer experience, RFC, team leader


Having fun at work could be the key to a fulfilling career. For example- if you’re looking to broaden your professional horizons, get some extra free time, or discover more meaning in your work, a career change could be just what you need to boost your mood.

Consider the things you care about most and how they align with your values. I’m curious as to which company you think would provide the most fulfilling employment experience. Think about how your answers here can help you improve your firm.

Give some thought to how you may improve your professional and personal life by making the most of the skills you’ve learned.

The success of any business depends on the level of productivity of its personnel. Employees who aren’t invested in their work produce lower quality work, miss more work days, and lose businesses millions of dollars per year due to missed productivity, according to recent research.

Finding and hiring talented people is an excellent first step, but it’s also crucial to maintain great morale in the workplace. The first step is to fill open positions with talented individuals and maintain their enthusiasm and dedication.

Make your team members and the rest of the employees equal. Make them feel heard and valued. When they approach you with any questions and ask your opinion on them, don’t undermine them and respectfully solve their queries.

Motivate them and when provided with feedback, make sure you rectify them. Engage employees after implying new or modifying the old retention strategies.

Increase employees’ opportunities to use their skills. Get them involved in things that aren’t directly related to their job duties (e.g.- painting murals in employee areas, helping recruit at job fairs).

With the right approach, the most valuable talents can be attracted, developed to their maximum potential and retained within the organization, bringing about the desired effects.

office location, business success, business outcomes, employees happy, honest communication, employee experience


Creating a culture that encourages and recognizes open dialogue, mutual respect, and teamwork may do wonders for morale in the workplace. Leaders should regularly undertake surveys, focus groups, or other types of employee input to address challenges, highlight development opportunities, and make substantive adjustments.

Another angle to the domain of employee engagement is professional growth. Organizations that can land the correct methodology to promote employee engagement and successfully use it for their company’s growth, provide opportunities for continuous learning and invest in training and skills development. These organizations are more likely to find that their retention ratio is much higher than that of other organizations.

Providing competitive pay and perks shows how highly you regard your staff. To retain and motivate employees, businesses must provide them with attractive remuneration, a comprehensive benefits package, and several chances to shine.

A holistic approach that considers leadership quality, career advancement prospects, and financial incentives are necessary to improve employee engagement and retention. When a firm invests in its employees’ professional and personal growth, it reaps the rewards in the shape of a highly motivated and committed workforce that remains with the company through good times and bad.

A person’s sense of purpose is as malleable as the way they view their profession. What motivates a person today may not be the same thing that motivates them a year from now which will be okay.

Improving Employee Engagement and Retention Read More »

Product owners, product consulting services, product management strategy

Decoding Product Consulting

Product owners, product consulting services, product management strategy


Consulting services that center on the development and management of products are known as product consulting. Everything from ideation and design to manufacturing, distribution, and marketing fall under this category.

Experienced product consultants, product marketing, product portfolio

In the business world product consultants aid businesses in developing and improving their products. They analyze the market to figure out what consumers want and work out strategies to create products that meet those needs. Aside from assisting with marketing and sales strategies, they may also aid with product positioning, pricing and distribution.

Product strategy, product owners, product strategy

Some product consultants also offer advice on product development processes such as identifying key milestones, establishing timelines and budgets, and overseeing quality control. Consultants can assist product development teams in delivering high-quality, on-time solutions that satisfy customers’ needs within budget.

Overall, Product consulting is a helpful service for businesses that want to improve their product offerings differentiate themselves from competitors and increase their revenue and profits.


Product managers, product strategy, digital products

Here are the three key steps involved in the process:

technical knowledge, project management, customer journey

Conduct Market Analysis

It’s crucial to study the market and identify unmet needs before launching a new product. Conducting a market analysis to determine market trends, consumer needs and competition is the first stage in product consulting. The analysis needs to find gaps in the market that the product can fill and ensure that the product is well-positioned to succeed.

Product teams, product process, data science

Identify Product Potential and Product Design Solutions

After completing the market analysis product designers must next zero in on the product’s potential and develop product design solutions. This includes coming up with ideas for the product’s features, conducting a feasibility study and creating a product roadmap. To guarantee that the final product satisfies the needs of the target audience the design process should be iterative and involve the creation and testing of prototypes.

communication skills, existing products, product vision

Implement Solutions

Once the product’s design is complete the last stage is to put those solutions into action. Creating a go-to-market strategy, developing marketing materials and launching the product are all part of this process. It’s vital to monitor the product’s performance post-launch and make any required adjustments to ensure its continuous success.


advanced analytics, technical product, digital products

Professional businesses might hire a Product management consultant to assist them in overseeing the development and launch of new products. Businesses can benefit from their guidance in establishing product requirements, designing product roadmaps and developing successful go-to-market strategies. Their responsibility is to guarantee the smooth creation and introduction of products with customer satisfaction and help the company reach its goals.


product owner, industry experts, drive innovation

Expertise and Knowledge: Product management consultants are highly knowledgeable professionals well-versed in product development process, conducting market research, understanding customer wants and needs and analyzing the industry’s competition. Using their knowledge, they can aid companies in creating and releasing successful products.

business needs, product owner, new features

Strategic Thinking: Product management consultants have a strategic mindset helping companies distinguish themselves from the competition by identifying market opportunities, defining product requirements and developing effective marketing strategies.

clear vision, skill sets, pain points

Objectivity: Product management consultants are objective providing unbiased view of the business, the product and the market. This can help businesses make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

hourly rate, san francisco, building great products

Efficiency: By optimizing the product development process, Product management consultants may help businesses save both time and money. This can aid businesses in determining which features are most important, prioritizing those features, developing solid product roadmaps and releasing products more quickly.

According to a report by Grand View Research, the global product management consulting services market size was valued at USD 4.02 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% from 2021 to 2028 highlighting the increasing demand for product management consulting services across various industries such as healthcare, IT and retail.


Product manager, digital products, project management

A product’s success depends on the efforts of the product manager who oversees product development throughout its lifecycle. They coordinate efforts between the development team, stakeholders and customers to guarantee that the final product meets both business objectives and customer needs.

Some specific responsibilities of a product manager include:

Product manager, digital products, product owner
  1. Conducting market research to understand customer needs and preferences.

  2. Developing a product roadmap that aligns with the company’s goals and objectives.

  3. Prioritizing features and improvements based on customer feedback and market trends.

  4. Communicating the product vision and roadmap to stakeholders and cross-functional teams.

  5. Working closely with designers and developers to ensure timely and high-quality product delivery.

  6. Monitoring key performance metrics to track the success of the product and make data-driven decisions for future iterations.

product goals, best product managers, business needs

A product manager’s ultimate responsibility is to steer the product toward commercial success by guiding its ongoing development and ensuring it meets consumer demands, business goals and market trends.


Product manager, consulting, product

The following are some key areas where these services can provide value:

quality assurance, quality, features

Understanding Customer Needs

Consulting in product management often focuses on learning about and satisfying consumer preferences and needs. Product managers can find niches in the market and create products to fill them through market research, feedback analysis and user behaviour studies.

new product, product developer, new features

Efficient Product Development

Consulting firms specializing in product management can advise their clients on the best way to implement agile methodologies, design thinking and other development frameworks thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the product development process. This can help businesses to improve their product quality, decrease the amount of time it takes to get a product to market and streamline their workflows.

business, strategy, promotion, teamwork

Developing Product Roadmap

The term product roadmap refers to a long-term strategy for the evolution of a product. Businesses can benefit from consulting services by developing a detailed and actionable plan that supports the company’s overall business strategy. Having this information at hand can aid in feature prioritization, resource management and communication of product plans to stakeholders.

analysis, competitive edge, competition

Analyzing Competitive Landscape

To succeed in a competitive market monitoring the competition is essential. The competitive landscape can be analyzed with the use of consulting services and opportunities to set products apart from the competition can be discovered. Consulting helps in developing unique value propositions, improving product positioning and staying ahead of competitors which facilitates businesses to thrive.

product lifecycle, management consulting, satisfaction

Optimizing the Product Lifecycle

Upon a product’s first release, businesses can benefit from product management consulting services by receiving advice on product marketing, sales and optimizing the product throughout its lifecycle. This can help businesses maximize their return on investment, reduce churn, and ensure customer satisfaction.

support, product quality, revenue

In conclusion, businesses may rely on product management consulting services for essential support in all phases of the product development and management lifecycle. Consulting services can help businesses enhance product quality, boost revenue and remain competitive in the market by assisting them in understanding consumer needs, optimizing development processes, developing clear product roadmaps, analyzing competition and optimizing the product lifecycle.


process, development process, benefits

4 specific advantages of consulting are as follows:

current trends, dynamics, market

Consulting services can help you understand the dynamics of the market and the needs of your target demographic. A consultant can help a company determine what products are selling well now, what characteristics customers value most and what kind of products will sell well in the future. Businesses can increase the likelihood of product success by keeping up with current trends and customer demands.

insights, experience, expertise

Access to industry insights

Consultants often have extensive experience and expertise in their respective industries. Companies can benefit from the knowledge and connections a consultant brings to the table by working with them. This can help shed light on issues like industry-specific challenges, regulatory requirements and other characteristics unique to a given industry that may affect product development.

opinion, expert opinion, solutions

Expert opinion

An organization can benefit from unbiased feedback from consultants when developing new product. They may be able to foresee difficulties and hazards that the company may encounter and suggest solutions. In doing so businesses have a better chance of avoiding common pitfalls and making well-informed decisions during the product development process.

product features, functionality, performance

Enhanced product quality

With the guidance of consultants businesses can create products that are better suited to satisfying customers’ expectations and are of higher quality. They can give feedback on the product’s design, functionality and performance and point out where changes are needed. Consultations with experts help companies create products of the highest quality and meet the needs of their target audience.

profit, consulting, marketability

There are many ways in which businesses that invest in product development might profit from consulting. Using consultants’ insights and experience, companies can boost the quality and marketability of their products for higher consumer satisfaction.


product consultant, consultancy services, product consultancy services

Here are the steps to help you find the right product consultant:

product consulting services, top consulting services, information

Define Your Goals

You should define your business goals and know what you hope to achieve before you start looking for a product consultant. You can use this information to narrow down your search for a consultant pertaining to what skills and expertise they should possess, and what kind of results you want to see from their work.

budget, price range, financial outlay

Define A Budget

To ensure you can afford your consultant’s services, it’s crucial to create a budget. This will aid in refining your search and locating a consultant within your price range. What you want to accomplish with this financial outlay should also be made crystal clear.

recommendations, colleagues, directories

Search For Potential Consultants

Now that you have defined your goals and know how much money you have to spend, you can begin researching for consultants. Getting recommendations from people you know such as friends, colleagues and other business owners can be helpful. If you need a consultant you can search for consultants online, through professional associations or directories.

references, performance, company

Ask For References

A consultant’s prior clients should be contacted for references before being hired. This will give you a good understanding of their past performance and the outcomes they’ve brought to other companies. Requesting references from people who work in similar fields will only help your case.

testimonials, clients, portfolio, company

Get Testimonials from Clients

To get the best consultant, it’s important to not only check their references but also hear what past customers have to say about their work with the consultant. This will let you assess their abilities more accurately. You can learn more about their expertise and approach by requesting case studies or examples of their previous work.


product consultant, products, successful products, delivery

Throughout the product lifecycle, a product consultant provides strategic guidance and expertise to help businesses create and launch successful products.

Here are some of the key responsibilities and functions of a product consultant:

expertise, valuable insights, technology, delivery, team

Extend Expertise

Product consultants are specialists that offer their expertise to companies so that their products can be enhanced and perfected. In order to provide their clients with valuable insights and guidance they keep up with the latest developments in their field, industry trends, best practises and emerging technology.

lifecycle, product lifecycle, product requirements, team, organization

Manage Product Lifecycle

Product consultants oversee the entire product lifecycle from ideation to launch and beyond. They work closely with cross-functional teams to define product requirements, create product roadmap, develop marketing strategies and ensure that products meet business objectives and customer needs.

development, improvement, opportunities, delivery, team

Identify Areas of Development

A product consultant’s primary role is to suggest areas of development and improvement for products. To evaluate product efficacy and locate improvement opportunities they conduct market research, analyze customer feedback and collect data. They also monitor the marketplace and the competition to guarantee that the products are competitive and relevant.

customer, feedback, key features, deliver, team, delivery

Tracking Customer Feedback

Product consultants closely keep track of customer feedback and behavior to gain insights into how products are being used and how they can be improved, this can help in product development and identifying opportunities for new products or features.

research, recommendations, insightful, users, team, deliver

Offer Insights & Recommendations

Product consultants use their knowledge and research to provide insightful advice to businesses so they may make educated product decisions. They may offer guidance on a wide range e.g. marketing strategies, pricing, positioning, distribution channels and many more. In addition they offer advice on how to improve products so that they have a larger impact and generate more revenue.

product lifecycle, areas of development, strategy, focus, team, company

Overall, a product consultant’s job is to assist companies in creating successful products that satisfy the needs of their target market and drive business growth. Successful products are the result of their specialized expertise, management of the product lifecycle, identification of areas for development, tracking of customer feedback and provision of insights and recommendations.


growth, organization, innovation, value, team

In conclusion, product consulting plays a crucial role in the success of any product or business. By bringing in an experienced and objective perspective, product consultants help identify blind spots and opportunities for improvement ensuring that the product meets the needs of its target audience and delivers value to the business.

deliver, users, focus, team

Working with a consultant who has a successful track record and relevant knowledge in your industry is essential if you’re thinking about product consulting for your business. Ruskin Felix Consulting is here to help! We can help you streamline your product development process, lower your risk and realize your business objectives. Feel free to get in touch with us at whenever you need assistance with product development.

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competitive analysis, competitor analysis, own company, marketing strategy, competitor analysis

Utilizing Competitive Analysis in Strategy

A competitive analysis lends you the power to update yourself and your organization in order to survive in an ever-evolving market.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, own company, marketing strategy, competitor analysis


To conduct a competitive analysis, one must investigate the products and services offered by major rivals as well as their customer base and marketing tactics. To adopt more successful business strategies, dissuade competitors, and grow market share, a competitive market analysis is essential.

A competitive analysis will shed light on your competition’s methods and help you identify potential areas of improvement. In addition, you may keep tabs on industry trends and make required adjustments to your product, ensuring it can constantly meet or exceed customers’ expectations.

competitive edge, product or service, potential customers, sales team

The MBV framework holds that the competitive environment and structural features of a given industry are the sole determinants of a company’s performance.

Many businesses in one industry vie for the attention of consumers. The top players in your field, their strategies for success, and the resources at their disposal can all be gleaned via a thorough competition analysis. 


Below are benefits of conducting competitive analyses:

  • Helps you identify what makes your product stand out from the competition so you can focus your marketing efforts on selling its benefits.

  • Allows you to spot areas where your rivals are excelling. You need this information to show that your products and marketing strategies are superior to the market.

  • Identifies your competitors’ areas of weakness, allowing you to capitalize on their blunders and experiment with new, cutting-edge marketing strategies they haven’t attempted.

  • To fill in the features of competing products, you can study user feedback to see where the gaps are and how you can best fill them.

  • Gives you something to measure your development against. 

same market, small business owners, online store, primary competitors, effective competitor analysis, analysis template


While overall retail sales dropped by 3% in 2020, online sales increased by 27.6% to $4.20 trillion.

Many customers who previously shopped only in brick-and-mortar establishments shifted to conducting most or all of their purchases via the internet after the pandemic. The number of brick-and-mortar stores having an online presence has increased for all of these reasons.

replacement competitors, competitor analysis template, pricing strategy, future growth , social media,  business owner

In contrast, online-only retailers have seen their revenues soar. Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales pushed Amazon’s global revenue to $4.85 billion in 2020, an increase of 60% from the previous year.

The data proves it without a shadow of a doubt. The retail industry has undergone radical transformations in recent years, with an ever-growing percentage of sales now made via the internet. It is still unclear how long this change will continue. The present annual growth rate of e-commerce is 20.3%; projections for 2021 suggest that it will slow to 14.3%.


For those “hidden in plain sight” nuggets of knowledge, here are nine steps to finding them:

competitors products, content marketing, identify areas, competitors offer, competitors strengths, similar target audience

Identify your competitors

In 2020, traditional retail sales dropped by 3%, while online sales surged by 27.6% to $4.20 trillion.

In the wake of the pandemic, many consumers who had previously shopped only in brick-and-mortar establishments shifted their attention to the Internet. Due to these and other factors, an increasing number of brick-and-mortar shops are opening virtual doors on the World Wide Web.

In contrast, online-only retailers have seen their revenues soar. With the help of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, Amazon was able to increase its global revenue by 60% in 2020, to $4.85 billion.

The evidence is irrefutable. Changes in consumer shopping habits, with more and more purchases being made online, have had a profound impact on the retail industry in recent years. There is currently no way to predict how long this change will endure. By 2021, analysts predict that the annual growth rate of online retail would slow to 14.3 percent from its current level of 20.3 percent.

ongoing process, unique value proposition, competitor's site, analysis template, customer feedback

Here’s how to identify YOUR competition:

  • Analyze the first few pages of search engine results for terms associated with competing products.

  • Market share information can be found on Statista or a related site.

  • Find out if your rivals are buying their supplies from the same distributors and factories that you do.

  • In interviews, take note of the brands and products your ideal customers frequently mention.

  • However, while it’s simple to keep an eye out for obvious competitors, less obvious ones may slip under the radar.

  • Indirect rivals provide a unique solution to the same problem, while direct competitors all sell the same thing.

marketing reports, secondary competitors, total sales volume, all the data, analysis template

Perform a competitor SWOT analysis.

Compare your company’s growth against that of the competition by using a graph. When you have a large number of direct competitors in your market, it is time to conduct a SWOT analysis of each of them.

The following factors should be considered in your analysis:

  • Positioning a Brand

  • Shopping cart website

  • Emotional connection with the product

  • Business plan for sales

  • Methods for Setting Prices

  • A Method for Promoting Products

  • Planning for Content

  • Distribution Plan

  • Methods of Advertising

    and Discounting
products or services, swot analysis template, market share percentage, e commerce business, market gaps

To get answers for each section, ask the following questions:

Specifically, what are the brand’s selling points?

How do they differentiate themselves from the competitors through intangibles (such as a well-known brand name)?

Is there a way we can make things easier for you (like shopping online)?

Is there something they always overlook (like optimizing for search engines to get more organic traffic)?

Compare and contrast the benefits and advantages offered by your business to those of your rivals. Just think of all the doors they’re closing. Does it occur to you that there might be a way to profit from them?

Alternatively, gaining an awareness of the market’s opportunities and threats will help you better comprehend the market’s current state and the nature of the competition within it.

products or services, replacement competitors, competitor analysis template, social media, business owner

Examine your competitors’ websites and customer experiences.

Successful e-commerce sites understand how important it is to give customers what they want when they shop. Some 59% of American buyers will stop buying from a company after a series of bad experiences, while 17% will give it only one chance.

Competitor analysis provides crucial information for developing a comprehensive e-commerce website strategy.

Our 5-step user experience research framework will make it simple to analyze the UX and CX of the competition.

Set the objectives: Please tell me what you think I should focus on learning more about. Examine the site’s foundational components, such as its navigation, product listings, shopping cart, shipping terms, and analytics (such as discounts, coupons, upsells, etc.)

social media, content marketing, competitors offer, business idea, intellectual property, competitor's strengths, social media strategy

Create research hypotheses: Based on your analysis of the competition’s strengths and weaknesses, formulate a set of hypotheses about their target market. Assess your competitors’ positioning in the market and follow its economic trends and implications. Can your customers learn anything from exploring products similar to yours that exist on other websites?

Select your research methods: These will be based on how much cash you have on hand. Use a combination of quantitative (benchmarks, user testing data, performance metrics, etc.) and qualitative (surveys, focus group interviews, customer reviews, etc.) methods to evaluate their UX/CX.

Conduct the evaluation: Learn as much as you can in the time you have for the research.

Synthesize the findings. Make use of the data you’ve gathered to close any gaps in your understanding, test and strengthen your hypotheses, and assess potential new directions for your design.

own business, social media, competitors market, comprehensive competitive analysis

Determine your competitors’ market positioning.

The ability of your business to stand out from the crowd is its “differentiator.” Indirect rivals can be evaluated simply by contrasting their solution to your own.

Their special selling point is what separates them from the competition and attracts new customers. You should buy one if you want to establish a solid brand.

By adhering to these recommendations, you will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the industry landscape and the current standing of various businesses.

Give an illustration of the primary category of client desires you aim to fulfill.

swot analysis, free competitor analysis template, competitive analysis example

Pick somewhere that interests you and go check it out. If keeping tabs on the entire market seems impossible, don’t feel pressured to do so.

The study’s focus can be on inexpensive products, luxury ones, or something in the middle. Identify the key customer benefits across different price points.

Make a rating system that considers the pricing and quality of similar products offered by different companies.

rating, pricing, quality


Perceptual mapping helps identify how different competitors price their products and where you could fit in. This data gives you some baseline figures on how much people are willing to pay for different types of goods (from different brands).

Yet, it’s not just objective factors such as quality or feature range that impact consumers’ price sensitivity. 

For example

43% of all consumers are ready to pay more for greater convenience such as faster shipping or low-hassle delivery. 

71% are ready to pay a premium for brands that provide full product traceability.

As you analyze the competitors’ prices, pay attention to such “add-ons”. Try to determine how they tie in extra value to their prices to avoid competing on dollar value alone. 

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, marketing strategy, market research


In some ways, technology may appear to be a service that any enterprise can pay for. The technology is irrelevant; what matters is how it is used.

Indeed, competing businesses can share an e-commerce platform while still maintaining their identities by making slight modifications to the software (intangible asset).

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, marketing strategy, market research

In doing your research, therefore, keep the following in mind:

Can you tell me what kind of e-commerce platform the company uses, such as open source, SaaS, or headless commerce?

Do they offer any specialized plugins or extensions?

What methods do they use for accepting payments, sending out emails, coordinating with shipping and delivery firms, etc.?

Does it use innovative technologies like AI, chatbots, AR, or VR to provide a realistic buying experience?

How might a change in technology platform or the addition of new integrations enhance the shopping experience on your e-commerce website?

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, marketing strategy, market research,

Ensure you are being competitive with shipping. 

According to the Baymard Institute, the high cost of shipping is a major reason why customers do not complete their purchases.

Find out what your rivals are charging.

Same-day or next-day delivery is guaranteed.

Quick turnaround time of two days for shipping

The State of the Seas in General

International shipping

The next thing to do is check the prices of other logistics firms to see if they are competitive with yours. It is common knowledge that online stores can save money on shipping and contracts by purchasing in bulk.

The cost of stocking up on such large items can be offset by adding a markup to the prices.

As a final step, consider BOPIS or curbside pickups for your storefront. A reduction in order processing costs is a result of each of these factors.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, marketing strategy, market research, strengths and weaknesses, competitive analysis template

Review social media feedback and performance. 

Several popular brands with large and active fan communities have their subreddits devoted to offline fan interactions. Look into these to discover the likes and dislikes of your target market, along with their latent abilities.

Aside from brand-specific subreddits, general subreddits also feature lively and honest debates on a wide range of products (such as those devoted to skincare or gaming). Keep your eyes peeled for those:

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, marketing strategy, market research, strengths and weaknesses, competitive analysis template


Check how quickly questions from customers are answered by the company.

Check with them to see how they respond to questions about the product.

See what people are talking about by following the hashtags and mentions.


Take a look at the newest comments. These could be used to identify problem spots.

To find out what other brands your fans enjoy, type “pages liked by people who like” into the Graph Search bar.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, marketing strategy, market research, strengths and weaknesses, competitive analysis template, target audience


Look into how other brands are presenting their aesthetics and when they plan to release new content. I was wondering if you could elaborate on the visuals they use. Do they make use of the most recent Instagram features, such as Reels and Shoppable posts?

Estimate the mean number of people who interacted with each of their posts. You think this is the real deal, right? If we compare comments and likes, what is their likes-to-comments ratio?

To what extent are they collaborating with influential people? Who are they working together with? Why?


Several popular brands with large and active fan communities have their subreddits devoted to offline fan interactions. Look into these to discover the likes and dislikes of your target market, along with their latent abilities.

Aside from brand-specific subreddits, general subreddits also feature lively and honest debates on a wide range of products (such as those devoted to skincare or gaming). From these shared characteristics, you can extrapolate the factors that influence the choices made by your competitors’ customers.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, marketing strategy, market research, strengths and weaknesses, competitive analysis template

Use tools and methods for staying aware of competitors.

Do you think the things that have been said so far amount to a lot?

You can use one of the following competitive analysis frameworks:

What Porter’s Five Forces tell us.

The Resource-Based View (RBV) model is one type of perceptual map that can be used in place of the more common SWOT analysis.

To use Facebook’s Pages to Watch or a comparable feature, or to incorporate their data into your social media analytics tool, they also require a dependable, up-to-date source of competitive intelligence.

Findings from an Online Seach (SERPs). Using analytics and research tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, you can gain valuable insight into your competition’s keyword rankings and link-building methods.

Online report filing. Setting up Google alerts for their brand name will let you know when and where their name is mentioned in the media or among influential people.

Flow rate and geographic origin of the visitors. In addition to providing in-depth analytics on your site’s traffic, SimilarWeb also provides a free overview of your top referral sources. 

target customers, competitive analysis, competitor analysis, market research, strengths and weaknesses, competitive analysis template


Advantages Of Competitive Research

Provide Fast and Detailed Organic Research

Because it shows how your business compares to others in the market, organic research is the most crucial component of market analysis. You can learn more about the SEO tactics used by your competitors by conducting an “organic” search of the internet. It’s useful for attracting organic traffic, too.

Create A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Why should people buy your product over others? If you were to describe your company, what would you highlight? By inquiring about the other brands in the market, you can differentiate your own. It describes the characteristics that set the rival product apart.

You can’t overstate the importance of backlinks to your websites if you’re familiar with search engine optimization (SEO). Search engine rankings can be improved by earning backlinks from other reputable websites that speak to your knowledge of your subject.

Increasing the number of high-quality links pointing to your site requires research into your competitors. The list can be used to reach out to popular websites for guest posting and link building.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, product or service, market research, strengths and weaknesses, RFC

Disadvantages Of Competitive Research

You can misinterpret the data

The analysis of one’s rivals can yield a wealth of useful information. Before beginning such a large-scale investigation, careful consideration of available research methods is essential. The precision of the tool used determines the reliability of the results. Information collected without a reliable tool is not only more likely to be wrong but also more challenging to comprehend. At best, it will cause a waste of resources. In the worst-case situation, we use this inaccurate data to make poor business choices. Get a second opinion and use the best competitive analysis tool available to ensure nothing untoward occurs.

Too much data can be overwhelming

Conducting a competitive analysis can provide invaluable insights that can be used to expand and improve your business. However, there are times when it is difficult to process all the information we have. By studying the competitors, you can learn where they are focusing their advertising dollars. It also draws attention to trouble spots like public relations, advertising, link building, and so on. However hard you try, you may spread yourself too thin trying to fill every void at once. Possible far-reaching consequences for your business’s fortunes. When evaluating the findings of a competitive analysis, keep your own company’s strengths in mind. Instead of flooding the market with advertisements, focus on your preferred clientele and grow your business from there.

A competitive analysis is your greatest bet if you want to differentiate yourself from the pack and outperform the competition. No matter how big or small your firm is, it could benefit from a careful analysis of your niche market. As a result, if you want to increase your company’s market share, you need to undertake a thorough analysis of the competitors. If you put in the time and effort, you’ll have no trouble overcoming the minor issues with this strategy. Performing a competition analysis could be especially useful for small businesses with expansion goals, perhaps even more so than for larger corporations. In any industry, there will always be competitors, and successful businesses thrive when they have healthy competition. One way to evaluate growth is by looking at how well you stack up against the competition.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, product or service, RFC, strengths and weaknesses,


What are Direct competitors?

When most people think of a marketing competition, they imagine a direct opponent. A firm is a competitor if it offers a service that is either the same or substantially similar to that of another firm serving the same audience.

For argument’s sake, let’s say the western United States is home to the vast majority of your restaurant clients. There are probably other firms out there offering equivalent restaurant advertising services in the West.

What are Indirect competitors?

Let’s pretend a major portion of our clientele lives in a city close by. Customers in search of a bite to eat will often look first along the main drag. Four major restaurants, each with its specialty, can be found in the immediate vicinity. The town’s restaurants cater to a wide range of tastes and demographics, but they all share a common goal: satisfying the town’s hungry.

Consider a buyer in a similar situation who must locate presents for a birthday bash. There is only one store where you can buy clothes. There is a jewelry store directly across the street. Competing for the same customers yet selling different products, both stores are in direct competition with one another.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, product or service, RFC, strengths and weaknesses, competitive analysis template


Here are some steps you can follow to separate yourself from your competitors:

Identify your competitors

  • The first step in getting ahead of the competition is to conduct a competitive analysis and figure out where they excel and where they fall short.

  • You can gain some insight into the current market situation from this, such as:

  • Find the optimal price for your product or service by analyzing competitors’ prices.

  • Find out what your competitors are offering their employees in terms of benefits and salary by observing their operations.

  • Examining the connection between supply chains and value chains is a great way to gain insight into the complex procedures involved in delivering products and services to end users.

  • With a firm understanding of their interactions with customers, the opinions of those customers, and the issues those customers have with the products they offer.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, product or service,RFC, strengths and weaknesses,

Discover gaps or loopholes in the market

Finding out what advantages your customers enjoy that your rivals do not is the focus of the second stage of researching the competiton. Your customers will tell you this when they air their issues about your competitors.

Find out what share of the market your rivals now hold and how much more business there is to be had. Think about the dominant players in your industry and think out ways to undercut their prices in response to consumer concerns about competitors’ pricing practices, for example.

The competitive advantage of a business can be increased by adopting the most effective and cutting-edge technological instrument and implementing it company-wide. The market responds to external stimuli such as new entrants, changes in legislation, and technological innovation. To maximize productivity, businesses should keep an eye on and adjust to these tendencies.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, product or service, strengths and weaknesses, RFC

Identify your competitive advantage

For a business to gain an edge over the competition, it needs a well-developed corporate strategy that fits in with day-to-day operations. To maintain a customer-centric business model, it is essential to identify and evaluate your ideal customer. The most successful businesses in any industry use a winning formula involving state-of-the-art tools, widely recognized brands, seasoned management, an effective promotional plan, and plenty of capital.

Maintain a solid relationship with your customers

Many companies prioritize the opinions of customers when developing practices. Treating customers with dignity and respect is crucial to retaining customers and gaining more market share. Also, implementing customer-centric strategies such as responding fast to complaints from customers and offering special delivery services can help you attain business growth.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, product or service, strengths and weaknesses, company's strengths, RFC

Build partnerships with competitors

Although partnering with direct competitors might not always be an effective strategy, you can partner with indirect competitors operating in a similar niche to leverage their customer base and network. For example, if you own a car spare parts manufacturer, you can partner with an automobile company. With this, you can increase your value-added services and gain more market share than your direct competitors.

The practice of creating profiles has several applications in the fields of marketing and public relations. Find the channels your competitors aren’t utilizing and start advertising there. Test the waters of underserved demographics. There may be underserved communities that, if given the chance, would become dedicated patrons. Communicate with them and tell them how your product can make their lives better.

Research on the opposition is underway. The corporate world is always evolving. Companies can’t adapt to changes in their environment if they don’t know what those changes are. Use the above strategies regularly to remain ahead of the curve and avoid unpleasant surprises.

competitive analysis, competitor analysis, product or service, strengths and weaknesses, company's strengths, RFC


At RFC, we conduct thorough market research and use competitor analysis tools to analyze both direct and indirect competitors. We also perform a SWOT analysis to identify our client’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as industry trends. By using our expertise and competitive analysis proficiency, we develop comprehensive analyses to help our clients better understand their competitors’ businesses, marketing strategies, target customers, marketing tactics, and target audiences. Our analysis also includes an evaluation of competitors’ websites and the competitive landscape.

Utilizing Competitive Analysis in Strategy Read More »

Investor Pitch Deck –

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Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC partnered with – Pakistan’s No. 1 travel app, to create an investor pitch deck highlighting the overview, and working of the business, B2B benefits of the company, B2C benefits, and the functioning of the website. The website’s features, authentication, services, partners, and financial viability. – ticketing platform, Pakistan’s No. 1 E-ticketing Platform:

  • Leading choice for Travel Operators and Passengers alike.
  • Digitizing bus companies and offering exclusive fares for our users along with multiple digital payment options.
  • Services ranging from bus travel, airline, hotel booking, cargo services, and event ticketing.
  • User-friendly app, multiple API integrations.
  • Exceptional customer service.’s vision is to become the biggest digitizer of the Pakistan Ticketing and Booking Industry. Their unique selling proposition is their Pricing Policy, which is extremely discount-driven, which will help them build a dominant market share in the travel and tourism Industry.’s business verticals includes various services such as Travel, Tourism, Entertainment, Car Pooling and Logistics. 

Their service ranges from Bus ticketing to Blockchain services. Some of’s prominent service offerings include:

  • Bus Ticketing – Biggest Network of Buses for E-ticketing as a Platform.
  • Airline Ticketing – Network with All Airlines for Online Booking & Ticketing.
  • Cinema Booking – E-tickets available for all major theatres and shows across Pakistan.
  • Hotel Booking – Bookings, and vacations available for a network of Hotels & Resorts.
  • Blockchain & AI Development – Blockchain Driven Platform for API Integration to Manage Data as Resource.
  • Events & Experiences Management – Ticketing for Events & Experiences for Entertainment and Leisure.

In 2020,’s successfully closed a pre-series A round of a half a million USD with Lakson Venture Capital (Lakson VC). Lakson Group is one of Pakistan’s leading business conglomerates. Established in 1954 the group manages industry leaders in the following sectors: agri-business, call centers, consumer non-durables, fast food, financial services, media print, technology, and travel. 

Investor Pitch Deck – Read More »

Investor Pitch Deck – Huron Wholesale Supply

[dflip id=”10459″][/dflip]

Huron Wholesale Supply

Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC partnered with Huron Wholesale Supply to create a corporate profile of the company by highlighting the overview of the company, and the products and services offered by them. 

Huron Wholesale has been one of Michigan’s top suppliers of wholesale commercial construction building materials for over 25 years. They carry an extensive inventory of everything from frames, doors to ceiling tile, and everything in-between. They also stock a lot of hard-to-find items that one will not find at their typical big box store. They work closely with a huge variety of products and companies in various segments. 

  • Doors and mirrors – Huron Wholesale Supply’s offering includes a full complement of metal doors and frames that meet the important requirements-from fire-rated cores to energy cost savings.
  • Frames – Huron Wholesale Supply’s hollow metal frames are designed for standard and heavy-duty applications and are perfect for a wide array of application in commercial, multi-family, industrial and institutional buildings. 
  • Ceilings – The ceilings and walls one creates in a space are more than mere surfaces. Huron Wholesale Supply offers aesthetic beauty that inspires creativity and contributes to well-being in offices, schools, medical facilities, hotels, and more. They offer acoustic benefits that help workers focus, students learn, and patients heal.
  • Suspension systems – Huron Wholesale Supply’s re-engineered suspension systems are faster and easier to install than ever. With input from contractors and field installers, they have redesigned their acoustical suspension systems to create complete grid solutions that saves one time and money.
  • Bathroom – Their washroom accessories include a combination of towel and waste units, sanitary napkins or tampon vendors, soap dispensers, mirrors, paper towel dispensers, waste receptacles, and hand dryers. 
  • Security – Huron Wholesale Supply provides some of the leading security solutions for both retail and business use. Their hardware products include a range of keypad locks, smart locks, smart deliver box, front door bundles, smart cabinet lock, patio door locks, door lock hardware, accessories and safes. 

They offer a complete range of access solutions making people feel safe and secure in simple and convenient ways with products in areas such as mechanical and electromechanical locking, access control, identification technology, entrance automation, security doors, hotel security and mobile access.

  • Hardware & accessories– Some of the Key products available at Huron Wholesale Supply are Mechanical Locks, Exit Devices, Surface Door Closers, Electrified Solutions, IC Cores, Cylinders, Master Key Systems, Deadbolts, Sliding Barn Door Hardware, Commercial Hinges, Flat Goods, General Hardware, Electronic & Electrified, Locksets, Hinges, Pivots, Thresholds and weather sets. 

Investor Pitch Deck – Huron Wholesale Supply Read More »

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Businesses can better understand how chatbots can advocate their vision.

DeFi helps reduce dependency on traditional methods of transactions.

Creating a sustainable environment for driving multiple countries into a better tomorrow.

Understand how the U.S. discrepancy in accordance to their debt creates a havoc. 

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Understand the macroeconomic situations that affect the global positioning of countries.

Businesses can better understand how chatbots can advocate their vision.

DeFi helps reduce dependency on traditional methods of transactions.

Creating a sustainable environment for driving multiple countries into a better tomorrow.

Understand how the U.S. discrepancy in accordance to their debt creates a havoc. 

Sustainable blockchain technology has immense benefit for the environment which cannot go unnoticed.

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Understand the macroeconomic situations that affect the global positioning of countries.

Businesses can better understand how chatbots can advocate their vision.

DeFi helps reduce dependency on traditional methods of transactions.

Creating a sustainable environment for driving multiple countries into a better tomorrow.

Understand how the U.S. discrepancy in accordance to their debt creates a havoc. 

Sustainable blockchain technology has immense benefit for the environment which cannot go unnoticed.