
Cannabis Cannabis Industry

Cannabis – The Facts, Fallacies and Fears


Cannabis has a long and colourful history and the use of cannabis originated in central Asia or western China. It was first used by Emperor Shen Nung who is also regarded as the father of Chinese medicine in the 2800 BC. It is also said Shiva the supreme Hindu God was given the title “Lord Of Bhang” as the cannabis plant was his favourite food. Many ancient texts of the Indian Hindus, Geeks and the Romans have indicated cannabis plant to be therapeutic and have used it to treat different health problems like arthritis, pain, lack of appetite and many more. Afterwords it was mostly used for smoking which can cause harm to the body and reduce its benefits.

The flower of cannabis plant is used for medicinal purposes, industrial purposes (hemp fiber) and for smoking/vaping purposes. There are different methods of consuming cannabis and each method affects the body in a different way.

When you inhale the cannabis smoke into your lungs its compounds immediately enter into your bloodstream and within seconds reach your brain and other organs. When you eat or dink cannabis containing products the compounds first pass through your digestive system and liver before reaching the bloodstream.

Effects of Cannabis on The Body

  • Memory Problem – It can hamper the way your brain processes information and affects its ability to form new memories.
  • Breathing Issues – The smoke you inhale contains a mixture of chemicals that can irritate your lungs, make you experience a burning throat and increases risks of bronchitis.
  • Digestion – It can help to boost appetite and maybe helpful in reducing vomiting and nausea which benefits people who are being treated for cancer or AIDS.
  • Blood circulation – It can cause an immediate jump in your heart rate and expands your blood vessels which leads to red and puffy eyes. 

The effect of Cannabis on each individual is different from the other. The form in which one consumes cannabis is very important and factors such as the method of consumption, dosage and frequency play an important role. Some individuals benefit from its therapeutic properties while others may face severe consequences.


Individuals with extensive cannabis use often experience multiple medical conditions and disorders at the same time. Studies suggest individuals may also be addicted to other substances like cocaine or alcohol and need proper medicines and behavioural therapies to reduce their cannabis use, especially those who take high dosages and suffer from chronic mental disorders.

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Cannabis For Pain Management

Medical marijuana uses components of the marijuana plant to treat various medical conditions and diseases. While the actual product (cannabis) is similar to recreational marijuana, it is used for healthcare purposes rather than enjoyment.

The marijuana plant contains over 100 chemicals called cannabinoids that all have different physiological effects. The two primary cannabinoids that are utilized medically are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is known for producing the euphoric high associated with smoking or consuming marijuana, but it also underlies some of marijuana’s applications in medicine.

The Green Potential

Cannabis compounds have been increasingly linked to various effects, such as appetite stimulation, relaxation promotion, and even the induction of euphoria. These effects, among others, are primarily facilitated by the endocannabinoid system, a cell-signalling network present in our bodies. It is noteworthy that cannabinoids, chemical compounds found in cannabis plants, as well as naturally produced within our own bodies, exert their influence on this intricate system.

The endocannabinoid system plays a vital role in regulating fundamental processes like hunger, sleep, mood, and body temperature. Recent findings have also indicated that dysfunctions in this system could contribute to conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, thus suggesting potential avenues for novel treatments. With more than 100 cannabinoids identified in marijuana, a significant portion of their properties still remains to be comprehended. Notably, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the most widely recognized cannabinoids.

Cannabis compounds have been increasingly linked to various effects, such as appetite stimulation, relaxation promotion, and even the induction of euphoria. These effects, among others, are primarily facilitated by the endocannabinoid system, a cell-signalling network present in our bodies. It is noteworthy that cannabinoids, chemical compounds found in cannabis plants, as well as naturally produced within our own bodies, exert their influence on this intricate system.

Cannabis in care

Cannabis is a plant that contains many compounds called cannabinoids, which can have various effects on the body and brain. Some of the most studied cannabinoids are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can have both medical benefits and risks. Here is a list of some diseases where cannabis is used for its treatment, along with the cause and a short description of how cannabis can help. Studies report that medical cannabis has possible benefit for several conditions including:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Cancer
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Epilepsy and seizures
  • Glaucoma
  • Multiple sclerosis and muscle spasms
  • Severe and chronic pain Severe nausea

Herbal Relief

Source: gminsights

The compounds in medical weed – called cannabinoids – act a lot like chemicals our own bodies produce that control things like appetite, memory, movement, and pain. Some studies show these cannabinoids could potentially:

  • Reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Take down inflammation and ease aches and pains.
  • Stop nausea and puking from chemo.
  • Kill cancer cells and maybe slow tumours from growing, though they need more research on that.
  • Loosen up tight muscles for folks with multiple sclerosis.
  • Spark appetites and help cancer or AIDS patients gain weight back by interacting with the body’s natural hunger centres.

Intake options

Medicinal cannabis involves the utilization of cannabis and its cannabinoids for the purpose of treating illnesses or alleviating symptoms. The primary active cannabinoids found in cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, resulting in beneficial    effects.

THC is the psychoactive element responsible for the intoxicating effects commonly associated with marijuana usage, while CBD does not induce any psychoactive sensations. Medicinal cannabis typically comes in two main forms: marijuana and hemp-based products. Marijuana is recognized for its high THC content, whereas hemp-based products contain less than 0.3% THC. There are various methods of consuming medicinal cannabis, including:

  • Oils
  • Edibles
  • Tinctures
  • Lotions
  • Inhalation methods, such as vaping or smoking.

Choosing the proper cannabis consumption method depends on your preferences, medical needs, and lifestyle.

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Cannabis ITALITY Rastafari CBD oils

Comprehensive Valuation Report- ITALITY

Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC partnered with ITALITY for preparing a detailed valuation report for their distribution and dispensary set-up. ITALITYs’ main objective is to bring together style, sustainability and ethics all in one – it’s not just about selling products but representing a whole lifestyle and culture. They’ve got clothing and accessories that look great but are also earth friendly. And of course, their cannabis offerings, from flowers to pre-rolls to extracts, really embody the Rastafari spirit of respecting the earth and community.

Having a clothing and cannabis division is a clever hybrid business plan, as it provides two distinct sources of income. By establishing a connect with customers at events through their website and retail outlets, they have created a dedicated following. When it comes to consumers, we believe their value offer hits a chord with those who seek ethical consumption options. More and more consumers are looking for businesses like ITALITY that put emphasis on environmental responsibility, social relevance and creative freedom.

In recent times, cannabis is really taking off as a medical option for all sorts of conditions. It’s been interesting to see over the past few years how interest and demand have grown – people are a lot more open to trying it for pain, epilepsy, PTSD and more. By taking this into account, we understand why cannabis can be used as a medical boon in treating these conditions. Hence. ITALITY can capitalize on the same.

There are also many more varieties of medical cannabis available now than there were even a decade ago. While dried flower hasn’t lost its appeal, the availability of oils, edibles, and lotions has expanded consumers’ options for dose and administration. Rapid-acting inhalers are also available. The industry, in which ITALITY is treading into, is growing exponentially as medical marijuana is legalised in more states. Globally, it was over $6.8 billion last year, which is enormous, but projections show that it might rise to more than $53 billion by 2030.

The rate of growth in recreational use is also rapid. However, I anticipate that medical advances will continue to outpace them. Patients are looking for options, and physicians are more open to recommending cannabis. So, if things keep going the way they have been going, the medicinal cannabis industry could explode in the next 7–8 years as acceptance increases.

In terms of market potential, the legal cannabis and eco-fashion industries have been booming the last few years as awareness grows. As more places legalize cannabis and customers look for sustainable options. RFC thinks ITALITY is perfectly positioned to keep expanding. They’ve also got a great variety of products to appeal to different tastes.

So, in summary, while staying true to their culture and values, ITALITY has really built a distinctive brand that a lot of consumers can get behind. With their diverse business model and focus on community, we believe that this edge gives them strong competitive advantages too.

Comprehensive Valuation Report- ITALITY Read More »

Investor Pitch Deck – MBM Management & Consulting LLC

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MBM Management

Ruskin Felix Consulting LLC partnered with MBM Management & Consulting LLC, to create an investor pitch deck highlighting the overview, and working of the business, B2B benefits of the company, B2C benefits, and the functioning of the business. The pitch deck also helps in understanding the market trends, operations plan, financial projections, and investor information. 

MBM Management is a Montana Based Limited Liability Company with an exclusive management agreement with CannaConnection LLC (A licensed Marijuana Provider firm in Montana). They provide Quality Marijuana for medical and therapeutic benefits.” They also entered the recreational marijuana industry which has been voted in by 57% margin on November 3, 2020.

MBM Management is strategically placed to provide such marijuana both for medical and recreational purposes in Montana and in the US at later stages. The Montana Cannabis market is expected to hit $400 Million within a few years.

There is to become a Market leader in Medicinal Marijuana Production and revenue in the Montana Market and other US Markets.  To become a Market leader in Recreational Marijuana Production and revenue in the Montana Market and other US Markets. High Quality and scalable operations to provide all types of Marijuana based products including expansion by way of licenses as a Marijuana Provider.

Through MBM Management’s strategic partner Canna Connection LLC and their expertise, they wish to gain their part of the $400 Million potential Cannabis market in Montana and expand further into the market through operations and market-focused products.

Investor Information:

  • Company Overall Valuation: USD $7 Million
  • Available for Sale: 40% of Stake in MBM LLC

Investor Classes:

  • 1 Unit block – USD $75,000
  • 10 Unit block – USD $700,000
  • 40 Unit block – USD $2,800,000

Mode of Ownership: Equity Stake in Company

Type of Participation: Passive

Point of contact: CFO of MBM Management – Philip ‘Marc’ Hays

Documents for MBM Management available on Request

Investor Pitch Deck – MBM Management & Consulting LLC Read More »

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Businesses can better understand how chatbots can advocate their vision.

DeFi helps reduce dependency on traditional methods of transactions.

Creating a sustainable environment for driving multiple countries into a better tomorrow.

Understand how the U.S. discrepancy in accordance to their debt creates a havoc. 

Sustainable blockchain technology has immense benefit for the environment which cannot go unnoticed.